National Stay Home Because You’re Well Day

On November 30th, Stay Home Because You’re Well Day gives us an excuse to stay in for the day. We all need a break, and it’s nice to take it when healthy to enjoy it. This idea goes hand in hand with practicing LAZY, so I’m wondering if Auntie TJ had something to do with the creation of this National Day.

Remembering back to my days of employment, I do remember taking such days on the first rainy day of fall. Only planning for a one day absence, I would wait patiently while watching the weather forecast. On that first drippy day, I’d call in sick and enjoy a random day of raindrops and solitude. Lovely in every way.

It always fascinates me that people use fake illnesses for all kinds of excuses. Instead of owning the reason for declining an invitation or duty, some hide behind imaginary Covid. It’s not a healthy idea to create a phantom illness because sometimes excuses manifest into something real. This National “Stay Home Because You’re Well Day” is a marvelous idea.

After I’d been teaching for some time, our school district instituted “No-Tell” Days. We were given three per year to use in any way we chose. When using such a day, you would report your absence without a reason. Such a delightful idea. Employees need these days for their mental health.

I also remember enjoying “Mom-Days” with my kids when they were little. Sometimes a Mom/Son day is exactly what’s needed to rejoice and rejuvenate. I know my kids always enjoyed the time spent time together as much as I did.

Being home on a “Well” day is an opportunity to accomplish tasks. But, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with taking the day to practice “LAZY” either. Healthy life choices come in many forms, with burn-out not being one of them. Self-care in a busy life is critical.

If you decide to observe the National Day of Healthy Rest, try enjoying any of the following things.

*Spend time with your pets.



*Binge on your favorite program.

*Plant your winter bulbs.

*Put up Christmas lights.

*Write Christmas cards.

*Go to lunch with friends.

*Try a new recipe for dinner.


*Plan a vacation.


*Finish your fall cleaning and organization.

*Just do nothing at all.

Whatever you decide to do today, make it your and yours alone. Tomorrow will arrive soon enough. Take a deep breath and enjoy “National Stay Home Because You’re Well Day”. Peace be with you.

More tomorrow.