Slowing Down

My new Social Security card arrived on Saturday. If you’ve recently had the need to change your name, you understand the importance of that first step. It was necessary to wait one month before applying for the card with my new name. This gave time for our marriage license to register with the county. And so, here we are at the end of November facing weeks of the tedious job of changing my name.

Of course, this is a privilege and something I’m very lucky to do. Every time HHH refers to me as his wife to someone else, it makes my heart swell. I’m still learning to say that I am Mrs. HHH, even after weeks of marriage. After almost 40 years of being Mrs. Hurt, both personally and professionally, changing gears is mind bending.

To get the Social Security with the new name, I had to wait for a certified copy of our marriage license to come via snail mail. Once that arrived, I sent it off with my passport. They assured me all original documents would be returned. I have yet to see that happen.

This creates problems when ordering a new passport. Eventually, everything will be in the same name. Mrs. HHH.

So, in the midst of unpacking HHH, Christmas, and keeping up with twice as much laundry, meals, and cleaning, I started thinking about just what advice my Auntie TJ would give. Of course, the best advice she’s ever given, (and she gives the best), was to always remember to practice LAZY. Just practice it, because for us farm girl types, it takes some work to internalize it.

Growing up, LAZY was something you never wanted to be accused of being. Nope. LAZY was a terrible trait when growing up in the 1900’s. There was always so much work to accomplish on the farm, that anyone caught being LAZY would certainly have hell to pay. Just wasn’t done. If you couldn’t find things to keep yourself busy, Mother would help you out and assign more chores. Period.

So, for Auntie TJ and I, practice is a must. As a new wife, I’m still figuring our whether HHH appreciates LAZY or not. He’s wheels never stop spinning, but that might be situational. There is a lot to do around here.

Practicing LAZY starts with an intentional pause in your normal chores. Nothing will collapse if you stop for 2 hours. If you’re lucky, try for 4. At the very least, start with 1. During that time, choose quiet and mindful thoughts of how nice it feels to sit and breathe. In and out. If you’re bold, try staying in your pajamas from morning until night. Take a nap in the middle of the day. Stretch the hours as you luxuriate in your own space.

I used to be great at practicing LAZY. Almost sloth-like, I could stay in jammies for days doing things I loved doing while watching the snow fall. A peace came over me as I took time to do the things I love. I’m going to do that again soon, after the name is changed on ever single contact I have.

For the time being, HHH and I will be scurrying around to prepare for an upcoming small town tree lighting, lighted parade, birthday celebration and family dinner. In a flash, it’ll be our first Christmas Eve here at Winterpast. I really want to enjoy every moment leading up to that. I’m going to do it by slowing down.

Whatever you do today, take time to stop. Just for a bit. Read a book. Take a walk. Sit in the sunshine. Take a drive. Do something you love. It’ll be great for what ails you.

More tomorrow.