Oh, what a beautiful Thanksgiving! Still honeymooning, HHH and I had the best time scurrying town getting all the fixings for our first holiday dinner at Winterpast. With a twenty pound turkey for a party of five, we’ve plenty of frozen turkey for future winter dinners. From the fresh cranberry sauce to the homemade pies, no one went away hungry.
Thanksgiving Eve, we worked the entire day to empty out the last of HHH’s belongings from his house. After five weeks of moving, neither of us ever want to experience that again. The yard is mowed and weeded and all trash has been hauled away as it awaits new occupants.

Now, the building formally known as the “RV barn” and forever more known as the “Man Cave” is filled to the brim. What a super place for five brothers to root for their favorite teams while my new sister-in-laws and I can enjoy coffee time inside the warm and toasty comforts of Winterpast.
Along with all the things my new husband brought along, the Man Cave will also home to a portable outdoor kitchen we’ll enjoy next summer. At the speed at which time is passing, it’ll seem like minutes before we’re cheering for the winner of the greased pig contest at our hometown Independence Day celebrations.
Of course, it wouldn’t be Thanksgiving weekend without some Black Friday fun. As it turned out, there was a deal on a new television that couldn’t be missed, as well as a deeply discounted Shark vacuum. Having just joined Walmart Plus, we ordered both things on Thanksgiving Day. To our surprise, they were delivered before 10 AM the next day. One of the stranger deliveries we’ve experienced, both things were delivered by people in their own private cars. Life is strange these days with nothing as it used to be. Even deliveries.

After doing more Black Friday shopping at places you wouldn’t think of, like a furniture store and travel outlet, we came home to package the remaining turkey and simmer the left over carcass into a lovely broth for use at a later time. Our kitchen talisman observed the entire procedure and approved. All the while, football played in the background.
HHH comes from a family of five boys, all stellar athletes that still hold high school and college records, all being distinguished members of the High School “Hall of Fame”. How my new Mother-In-Law keeps their teams straight is beyond me, but she does.
Now, I came from a house of five young ladies. We didn’t ever watch football or sports, for that matter. Our television, once we had one, was parked on programs like “My Friend, Flicka” or “Flipper”. Our movie choices involved musicals or romantic comedies with Doris Day or Rock Hudson. Not football.

I’m the first to admit that I don’t know very much about the rules of the game. It doesn’t hold my attention any more than my programs fascinate HHH. I needed to find a way to make it a little more interesting. After hearing about a unique method for choosing a winning football team a few years back, I’ve made it my own. It’s simple. Just root for the team with an animal as their mascot, such as the Miami Dolphins or the Chicago Bears.
If two animals play, choose your favorite. If no animal is in the game, pick the team with the best uniforms. So far, I think I’m doing okay. HHH finds the whole thing cringeworthy, which makes the whole idea even more delicious. I will say that choosing a random team each game does make it a bit more fun. My preferred team is the Baltimore Ravens, represented by my favorite bird.

With many days left to enjoy the holiday, it’s time to get on with projects at hand. Today will involve a trip to the Nevada Department of Motor Vehicles to handle name and address changes and all issues related to cars. Then, it’ll be on to take a photo for a new passport, because, a girl just never knows when it might be necessary to have one at the ready. Changing names and addresses are equally frustrating at times. It’s nice that we can share the pain.
Whatever you do today, get some fresh air and sunshine. Think about the reason for the season and get caught up with friends. Heck, break out the pen and send some Christmas cards. Hohoho, let it snow!!!!

More tomorrow.