Family has been coming and going this week. Some of our desert peeps are in Kentucky, while Arizonan’s have dropped in for a surprise visit. And so it goes around the holidays. Families doing their best to get together for a few days of great memories.
This will be our first Thanksgiving as a married couple here at Winterpast. Ollie and Wookie will be hanging out under the table hoping to score some handouts along the way. HHH is a master chef and has been planning our meal for a week or more. I plan to be his sous-chef, already having set the dining room for a party of five.
There is something admirable about a man that needs to cook a 20 lb. turkey for five to insure lots of left-overs. We’ll be up tomorrow morning at dark:30 to stuff our bird while waiting to watch the Thanksgiving Day Parade. With careful planning, there’ll be plenty of time left to enjoy the day.
On this eve, Thanksgiving 2023, having HHH in my life is the biggest blessing of all. I’m thankful for the love of family and friends that surround us all year long. I’m really thankful to be able to enjoy a Mother’s love once more in my life. The beauty of the desert that surrounds us makes me glad to be alive.
Whatever you plan to do for the holidays, please spend time with those you love. Start a list of all the blessings in your life. Once you get started, the list will practically write itself.
I plan to eat too much turkey, sleep in, and enjoy some Christmas movies. I’ll be back on Monday with more stories from my little town that sits proudly on a dusty wide spot off the interstate on the high desert plains of Northwestern Nevada.