After the weeks of careful planning, our wedding day came and went without a hiccup. Our guests are still talking about the best wedding that happened on that beautiful October evening. It was truly an event to remember.
Early on, we had a few ideas for a blissful honeymoon. Some had suggested it might be silly to take one but that though never crossed our mind. Of course, we’d enjoy a honeymoon. Deciding on the destination took a bit of time. Many honeymooners choose the largest towns in Nevada. Those certainly weren’t a fit. We’d planned a trip to Maui, but, Maui burned, no longer an option. We’d considered the coast, but those plans didn’t come together like the rest of the wedding.

One evening, I mentioned my favorite place in the world. WYOMING. Our plans quickly came together. Although sharing a bit of Yellowstone with Montana and Idaho, 96% of the park lies in Wyoming. Yellowstone National Park in October would be the backdrop for beautiful memories as a brand new man and wife.
After searching online, we chose a little cabin in West Yellowstone. Not too far from the grocery store and restaurants, this little home would be the perfect place to begin our new lives together. We’d drive there, taking time to stop whenever we’d like, just like HHH had promised me we would as we danced to our song one night while we were making dinner.
We’ll follow the rainbow
Wherever the four winds blow
And there’ll be a new day
Coming our way …Keith Urban

Our little town is 550 miles away from West Yellowstone. We’d need to stay the first night in Twin Falls, Idaho. This was a bonus, as I’d only driven through Twin Falls once, never stopping to see the falls.
After taking Sunday to enjoy breakfast with our kids, worship with our church family, and open presents at Winterpast, we were ready to hit the road on a bright and sunny Monday. The weather was perfect as we drove east on the interstate.
Before we left, I took some water based paint and wrote “Just Married” in big letters on the back of our luxurious ride. It’d be fun to see who would make comments along the way. Little did we know, it would spark some of the highlights of our trip.
After driving for a few hours, we decided to have breakfast at Sid’s in Winnemucca. If you are ever traveling through, do stop. They have the friendliest staff and the best food we’d eaten in a very long time. My white “BRIDE” fanny pack didn’t go unnoticed, as many shot smiles our way. It’s weird to blast along at full throttle for weeks and then STOP to live in the present.

Did you ever take a walk through the forest?
Stop and dream a while among the trees?
Well you can look up through the leaves right straight to heaven
You can almost hear the voice of God
In each any every breeze
You got to stop and smell the roses
You’ve got to count your many blessings everyday
You’re gonna find your way to heaven is a rough and rocky road
If you don’t stop and smell the roses along the way …… Mac Davis
Back in the car, we talked and sang familiar songs all the way to Idaho. On the way, we entered into big-sky plains, still green from the rainy year. The conversations were easy as they always are between us. There were no cross moments, no tensions about the raging war, no mentions of new shootings. Just miles and miles of peaceful driving.

Traveling through the high desert, we saw miles and miles of nothing. Not an antelope or deer, although there were overpasses built just for their migrations. No highway patrol to ruin our moods. Just wide open roads on the way to Yellowstone.

We had lots of time to talk about plans for HHH’s big move to Winterpast, which is occurring as I write this blog. Moving, contacting businesses, and changing one’s name are three things that add to the stress of the moment. Top that with preparing a house for a lease, and you could see there are many stressful things that could have distracted us from our fun. Didn’t happen.
That night, settling into the “Best Western Plus”, we sat in our comfy clothes while watching the World Series.

Watch a little, talk a little, watch a little, watch a little,
Snack, Snack, snack, talk a lot, watch a little more.
That is how HHH and I spend our days together. With sports playing in the background, there’s always something interesting to question, share, or laugh about. Thank goodness for the pause feature on YouTubeTv and a patient husband that uses it often.
Well, that sums up the first day of the honeymoon. Romantically perfect for us in every way.
Whatever you do today, think about planning a road trip. You don’t need to travel far to discover beauty in the surrounding area and also in your travel partner. Be part of the great migration, even if it’s just for a day.
More tomorrow.