Since August 28th, 2022, when I first met this wonderful fisherman who is now known as my Hubba-Hubba-Husband, I’ve been given a precious blessing from God. Having spent many hours in deep conversations about his plans for me, I would often ask God for a strong Christian man to enter my life. He blessed me with HHH.
When we first met, we shared many interesting conversations. One of the more serious ones involved our mirrored desires to honor God before all else. Through widowhood, the single life, and dating, God guided us to that very moment when I walked down the aisle into my new life as a Christian wife.

Our minister had asked what song we’d chosen for the processional. There were so many on the list. Of course, we could’ve gone traditional with “Here Comes the Bride”, but that didn’t see right.

“Bless the Broken Road” by Rascal Flats was a contemporary front runner. Its lyrics spoke of the hard times through widowhood both HHH and I had experienced before finding true love.

“That every long lost dream led me to where you are
Others who broke my heart, they were like Northern stars
Pointing me on my way into your loving arms
This much I know is true
That God blessed the broken road that led me straight to you
I think about the years I spent just passing through
I’d like to have the time I lost and give it back to you
But you just smile and take my hand
You’ve been there, you understand
It’s all part of a grander plan that is coming true” Rascal Flats
We’d already decided on that song, until another made us both cry. It’d be the perfect song to play as I walked down the long aisle towards the man with the bluest eyes and the smile of home. The song was The Prayer, The English Version song by Mikalene Ipson and Eric Dodge. Although their were other versions by more famous people, this version fit the time and place.
The Prayer
I pray you’ll be our eyes and watch us where we go. And help us to be wise in times when we don’t know.
Let this be our prayer when we lose our way. Lead us to a place, guide us with your grace to a place where we’ll be safe.
I pray we’ll find your light and hold it in our hearts. When stars go out each night, Remind us where you are.
Let this be our prayer when shadows fill our days. Lead us to a place, guide us with your grace.
Give us faith so we’ll be safe.
A world where pain and sorrow will be ended. And every heart that’s broken will be mended. And we’ll remember we are all God’s children reaching out to touch you while reaching to the sky.
We ask that life be kind. Please watch us from above. We hope each soul will find another soul to love. Just like every child needs to find a place, guide us with your grace. Give us faith so we’ll be safe. Mikalene Ipson/Eric Dodge

With no time left for last minute changes, the time had come. CC burst through the door.
“It’s time.”

It was time to exit my hiding spot and look once more to the late afternoon Nevada sunshine, nearly finished for the day. The overflow room was filled to the brim with smiling friends and family that were excited to finally see me.
Just me. 67 years old. Wrinkled. Hair, some would say is way, too long for a lady of my age. Standing behind the most beautiful bouquet of flowers I’d have picked myself if they’d been blooming at Winterpast. The retired teacher type who loves gardening, hoodies, jeans, hot coffee, and tall UGG’s. The desert gal who spent the last year falling in love with HHH, who just happens to be in the top 1% of great guys!. Now the Spanx-i-fied bride, feeling the prettiest I’d felt in many, many years, both inside and out. Just me.
Our song was playing. HHH, The Mayor and the Pastor were in place. CC was already floating down the aisle in front of me, and then, it was my turn.
I tried to make it all the way to the aisle without doing anything outrageous, but then, there SHE was.

MY MISS FIRECRACKER!!! I have talked about her so often that HHH knew her without an introduction for SHE is the SPICY ONE that no one can miss. Her smile fills the room. I knew she would be there, but seeing her was the best surprise ever!! There was nothing else to do but stop and give her a hug on my way down to HHH.
Family and friends were there, waiting, as the song finished and it was time to get married.
HHH and I wrote our own vows. His made me swell with pride and then it was my turn. The crowd found it humorous that with all my intense planning, I managed to forget my glasses at home and had to borrow his. I think it won’t be the last time he’ll help me out when I’m without.

We promised all the traditional things Bride’s and Groom’s do. We did decide to leave out the part where someone might think it appropriate to object. No objections or rude comments would ruin OUR magical day. Besides, no one would be so rude as to attend a wedding that they weren’t celebrating! At least not anyone with manners.
At that moment, there was no one else in that crowded chapel except HHH and me. With one very sweet kiss, it was done. As Man and Wife, we exited the chapel to “You are the Sunshine of My Life” by Stevie Wonder.
We were both surprised that the husband and wife don’t sign the marriage certificate. Only the witnesses do, so The Mayor and CC handled that for us.
Married, there was nothing to do but head to our reception, and about all that, I’ve already written. We enjoyed cake, threw the bouquet, tossed the garter, and enjoyed every second until the party ended. Memories that will warm our hearts for as long as we live.
Whatever you do today, remember your own wedding day and the sweet memories that unfolded. There are only a few days in life as precious as the one in which you marry the very person that you cannot spent another day without. HHH and I are so blessed to have found one another in this, the last and best chapter of our lives!
Have a wonderful weekend. I’ll be back Monday to fill you in on our honeymoon travels.