That Saturday, some weeks past now, was a day about which I’ll remember the smallest details for years to come. It all started with an 8 AM appointment at our little church to prepare for our alter appointment at 5 PM. The rings were complete. The marriage license awaited signatures after the ceremony.
Planning a wedding is a strange affair. The couple has paid $$$ to vendors who promise to provide a service at the proper time and date. Not a little change, but serious money. There is nothing to do but trust that those in the business of weddings are trustworthy people. With everything paid in full, time would tell if we spent our wedding dollars well.
CC and I ran to the church after sharing a little breakfast. At least, I think I fed the poor girl. As it turned out, the elders of the church had worked the night before to move everything into place for the wedding. There were eighty chairs in the sanctuary, with another 20 in the fellowship hall connected by sliding glass doors.
Guests sitting in the fellowship hall would need to watch everything on the big screen TV. Wow, I never thought my wedding would become the “event of the decade” with overflow viewing on an extra screen. Our sanctuary is very, very small.

As we worked to put flowers on the ends of almost half the rows, reserving them for family, golden morning sun poured through the cross above the alter. The morning light is amazing in this little church. Initially, I’d wanted to marry at 8 AM because of that very fact, but HHH and I decided our guests might have trouble getting there in time.
HHH informed me long before the big day that we couldn’t see each other before the ceremony. That was the only point on which he wouldn’t compromise. Bad luck is real and long-lasting. He’d hang out across town with his daughter as she created our wedding cake.

During the weeks before the big day, we had invited our church family. The buzz about the wedding was exciting, with everyone giving us a cheerful “Yes”. Covid would take out a few important guests, like Angel of the Aluminum Cloud, who was greatly missed,.

The rose bouquets at the end of each row turned out beautiful! A stem of three dusty peach silk roses wrapped with sparkly ribbon. Amazon…. $59.00 for six. Walmart…. $25.00 for eight. They blended perfectly with the fresh garden flowers in my bouquet.

With everything set for the big event just hours away, at 9 we checked on the flowers and then returned to Winterpast. My son and his children had plans to explore in the desert. They’d be looking for antique bottles at the old dump just outside of town. What they ended up finding was gruesome and interesting all at the same time.
A very, very dead mustang was returning to dust in the desert. Mostly mummified and very flat, it wasn’t something city boys would find every day. Wild horses and people have a hard time co-existing. Cars and horses are a deadly mix for one or the other, and sometimes, both.

One of the more interesting things occurring as the mail arrived was a solar eclipse called “The Ring of Fire”. How amazing that on our wedding day the heavens produced a burning ring in the sky! It wasn’t planned that way.
I’d heard about this early enough to purchase “NASA approved solar eclipse glasses” from Amazon. Amazon is great for everything from weddings to eclipses! I’d ordered enough to share.
That morning, as the neighbors were all outside getting their mail, I remembered the glasses. Running next door, I handed them to neighbors that would later be wedding guests. Looking like nerds, we all stood in the middle of the street and watched the sky in wonder. It took longer than I expected. Even the mail lady received her own pair of glasses with which to enjoy the event.

By then, I could no longer ignore the clock. My Bestie’s had arrived for makeup and hair and it was time to morph into the bride. On that very day when the sky produced an amazing “Ring of Fire”, I’d become Mrs. HHH.
Over the previous year, while making the best memories two sexagenarians could’ve, we’d fallen in love. In a few short hours, HHH and I would share our personal vows. Every heart-felt prayer we’d sent was now to be answered at 5PM, when we’d meet, front and center, at the end of a very long aisle.
More tomorrow.