Just days before the wedding, we were so blessed to have visitors that came to celebrate. Not just any visitors, but HAPPY visitors that had nothing buy smiles about our impending wedding, just days away. Even better, the visitors included my oldest son and his family from Michigan, and my best friend in the world and matron of Honor, CC.
Looking back, nerves were rampant on that Thursday night when everyone arrived. With HHH’s help, we decided on a favorite meal of BBQed hamburgers, ranch-style beans and chips.
That night, we served eleven hungry travelers, while catching up on all the news. There’s nothing better than hugging a grown son and daughter-in-law while enjoying the antics of three busy grandchildren. CC’s watched my kids grow up since 1979, when we were all babies. A long and wonderful friendship between two women has flourished as we’ve shared everything life has thrown their way.

After serving dinner, HHH left early to catch the end of Thursday night football. The Michigan group left to settle into their hotel, while CC and I were left to visit and plan for Friday’s activities.
All this happened within the walls of Winterpast. Thinking back to my first days of widowhood, it was Winterpast that kept me focused. April blooms were waking when I picked up the key and closed the door behind me. My own secret garden. A place to fall face first in a luscious lawn and cry. A place to mourn and heal. Now, a place to welcome my new groom and life as a wife. Winterpast has been with me through it all.
A house holds love and loss from the past, as well. When I look around at her walls and doors, it’s obvious that during her 20 years, she’s been respected and loved. It takes a lot of work to keep a 20 year old home looking like new, and like her present occupants, she’s now entering her prime.
With a whirlwind of activities the next day, I can truly say that I don’t remember much. There were details about the flowers and food to check. More guests arrived. Another bestie arrived with her husband from Central California. California guests arrived to check into their rooms in the biggest little city to the West. My son and grandchildren went treasure hunting in the desert.
All the while, my rock, Miss CC, kept me focused and grounded. When the nerves started to rattle me a bit, I’d just remember the reason for the entire event. My HHH would be standing at the end of a very long aisle waiting for me. That thought alone was enough to settle any new-bride jitters.
Friday evening, Chef KFC provided dinner for our hungry crew of 15. Sadly, KFC isn’t what it used to be. Arriving cold, we really could have done better ourselves. 1/4 cup of cold slaw cost $3. Stale biscuits. Fake butter. In what world is that okay? The chicken was hours old, wet, and greasy. And yet, no one noticed that our $100 chicken dinner was less than delicious. At least the, empty containers showed everyone ate.

That night was the last time I kissed HHH goodnight as his “girlfriend”. The next time I’d see him was at the church where the music would play as I walked down the aisle into my new life. Everything would change in 24 hours, as everything has a habit of doing.
During my short and fabulous engagement, I remember some people emphatically insisting they’d never marry. There were days in widowhood that I said the very same thing. Getting married is like moving in some ways. You start out with all your possessions in orderly boxes. When you get to your destination, things you held dear have no purpose. It’s necessary to rearrange a lot to make everything work. In the end, the new looks nothing like the old. Marriage is the same, except you’re the box and the contents include emotions and habits. In our case, it’s chaotic, but working well!
Those fiends of mine that have chosen a solitary path are happy and content. It takes strength, courage, commitment, and beauty to embrace life and continue on and widowhood, whether newly married or happily single. Choosing Happiness along the way is am important key to contentment.
HHH and I are enjoying our new life as a married couple. In a few days, we’ll celebrate our first month together. It’s hard to believe that so much has changed in just a few short weeks. Next month, I’ll legally change my name, which will take hours of patience while waiting in long lines at Social Security and DMV. Plenty of time to reflect on the many blessings I received when this wonderful man answered the first question of many.

Whatever you do today, enjoy this season. Try a new recipe. Binge on a new television series. Watch some old movies. Plan a pajama day. Do all these things while remembering the blessings that you find in your life ever single day. They’re all around you. Just look for them.
More tomorrow.