It’s been over three weeks since Hubba-Hubba-Hubby and I exchanged vows. Already, his list of “Honey-Do’s” is overflowing. Along with the move, he is working around the clock to fix all the things that haven’t been working right for some time.
Included but not limited to the list are non-working dimmer switches, a broken medicine cabinet, a dripping faucet, and a vent on the green house that won’t hold. Of course, there are minor little things, like a request to shift the bedroom furniture. So many things that, as an older woman, I wasn’t able to handle on my own. Here is HHH to the rescue. He barely has time for football these days. Thank goodness for the “pause” feature on the remote.

After having such high hopes for Alexa and her ability to help, she is quickly being dumped by the wayside. Two’s company and three’s a crowd. It seems that once Alexa loses her ability to connect to dimmer switches, the fun is over. My Alexa plugs no longer respond. My dimmable lights are now on their brightest setting. All in all, Alexa isn’t helpful, and at some point, she’s downright obnoxious.

When HHH finally took the last of the furniture out of his house, his Alexa threw a tantrum and started glowing red. No kidding. She was none to happy to be abandoned in an empty house. Well, we’ll see how she likes being sent to the Man Cave that HHH is planning in the RV Barn. Lucky her that she’ll have a roof over her head. And so it goes with artificial intelligence. The conventional way of controlling life is so much better.

With everything else that’s been going on, we’ve also been working on our “Thank You” cards. In a normal world, that job would fall to the nesting bride, but not here at Winterpast. HHH has been ready with pen in hand to do his part, thanking everyone that helped us celebrate our wedding day! We received the most beautiful gifts. From an outdoor Flamingo light to the most beautiful crystal platter, we’ve been sending a few “Thank You” cards each day.
As at any wedding, we did receive one gift without its card. We have no way of knowing who gifted us the gorgeous crystal platter covered in roses. So fitting for us, this platter is covered with our favorite flower! If it was from you, please let us know. We LOVE it!!!!

Over the weekend, we got a call from my God Mother, Miss TJ. She just wanted to tell us “Thank You” for the card HHH spent time writing. Never had she ever received a “Thank You” card in which the groom had written a message along with the bride. Well, we just roll that way. It was fun to fill her in on the wedding and our amazing vacation through the wild west complete with bison, bear, and elk.
Writing “Thank You” cards gave me a chance to acknowledge some beautiful women in Ashton, Idaho that made a memory on our trip. I’d taken time to write “Just Married” on our new luxury car much to HHH’s initial dismay. Once we got on the road, he realized how much fun it could be. Seriously. If you just want to have a little excitement in life, write “Just Married” on your window and go for a drive. You’ll meet people that want nothing more than to wish you well.

The women in Ashton were the co-owners of “The Frostop” on Highway 20. If you ever happen by there, you MUST stop and try their food. Amazing ladies have fun coming out to customers to take orders and deliver food right to the car door. Yes. They were both crying when we told them our story and showed them our rings. They needed a “Thank You” for brightening our day.
With all the “Thank You” cards done, our next wedding task will be to sort through pictures, keeping the best ones for an album. Remembering back to our special day, I’ve never attended a wedding more unique, inviting, and full of love. In reviewing the pictures, it made us feel good to see all the smiles as we made memories of our first evening as husband and wife. It just doesn’t get better than that.
Whatever you do today, if you’ve just received gifts for any reason, don’t forget that it’s proper to send an “Thank You”. It’s rude to receive a gift and forget to thank the giver and it’s never too late.
More tomorrow.