Monday, August 28, 2022 is a day I’ll never forget. Although not my first adventure in dating as a senior citizen, it would turn out to be the sweetest and most definitely the last time I’d meet someone new. On this day, I noticed the cutest profile on an internet dating site. Twinkling eyes, fit and trim, there was something special about his smile. Most of his profile pictures were of outdoor adventures involving fish.
Now, there’s a dark secret I’ve never blogged about until now. I. HATE. FISH. Hate the smell. The texture. Even the thought of their bodies gasping as they’re pulled from the depths. Every second year, I might decide to try fish, but it never goes well with always the same result.

But, here was this adorable fisherman holding an odd fish I couldn’t identify. Along with the fishing pictures, there was another that caught my eye. Although not fish-related, this same man was standing, arm-in-arm, with two young people. I could only assume at that point these must be the grandchildren that put him up to the idea of internet dating.
Returning time and again to this man’s profile, there was just something telling me to reach out. And so, I did.
I sent a smile.

I sent a “Thumb’s Up”.

I sent a heart emoji.

Still nothing.

This man just might be too wild for me.

I’d never seen him around town, so it was doubtful we had friends in common. I doubt any of my Bible Study friends would be interested in helping me identify this cutie-patootie. I was on my own on this quest.
Finally, with nothing left to lose, I’d send him a question about the mysterious fish in the picture. Fishing pictures are often deceiving. Hold a fish closer to the camera and it can look “whale-like”. Stand further away, it can have the appearance of a large minnow. There was no other choice. I had a burning question that needed answering.
It did take a short time for him to answer. Any true fisherman can be reeled-in with questions regarding his most prized catch. He tried his best to resist answering and with good reason.
My profile pictures were not those taken when I was 30 and truly beautiful. They weren’t of me at the beach in a string bikini or even of my outrageous summer tan of 2022. In one I was wearing my black and white teacher dress while holding my new set of Craftsman Tools. The others were without makeup and in my serious, horn-rimmed reading glasses. All featured my smile, but not all were the most flattering. In fact, I wouldn’t have responded to these pictures, except for the fact that they reflected someone real.

But, my Hubba-Hubba-Husband took a chance on that Monday in August of 2022. Tired and not really in the mood to try another relationship, as he healed from a long journey through widowerhood, he decided that my question needed the proper answer. It all started there.
For that reason alone, I just might need to learn how to fish under his careful eye. I might need to take a bite of freshly caught trout eaten under a star-lit sky on our first camping trip together. I might need to try Macadamia-encrusted Mahi Mahi on the beach in Hawaii. Or some other type of fish as we cruise the waters off the coast of Mexico.
Of course, my question WAS irresistible. Why wouldn’t it be? Words are LIFE. It required an honest and in-depth answer that led to hours of conversation and a first date during which he cooked a gourmet meal (including fresh fish) for me at his beautiful home. Two strangers that weren’t strange at all, but just very tired of being lonely while being alone.
The days, weeks, and months unfolded until, on August 28 2023, he asked the burning question that came deep from his heart. Of course, now you know my answer to that one. YES, for that day and to the end of our forever. YES.
But, what question could I possibly have asked that would’ve been so intriguing? Beguiling? Irresistible? There was only one possibility. Please don’t judge. It was the best one I could come up with.

Just how big is your fish?”
The rest unfolded into our adorably sweet love story, the details of which you need to stay tuned to learn.
Whatever you do today, don’t judge widowed people on their journey to start the next chapter in life. At 64, it took courage, independence and guts to make it through four lonely summers as one solitary woman. Why would an courage, independent, and gutsy 67 year old woman marry? She finally met the right guy. I assure you, waiting for HHH made every twist and turn in the road worth it!

More tomorrow.