Another day of moving is done with not much left except a little bit of this and a little bit of that. In each room at HHH’s beautiful home, there are those items that haven’t made the cut. Now, decisions need to be made about whether things are wants or needs. This is occurring at Winterpast, as well. It seems that the more I clean and purge the more things appear that need cleaning and purging.
Yesterday, our pantry became the focal point. As a bachelorette, I didn’t focus on being prepared for nightly dinners. Breakfast might’ve been a bowl of cereal. If needed, I’d run to the Tee Pee Bar and Grill for a quick burger at lunch and call it good. As long as the pantry was stocked with plenty of chips and dip, I was perfectly happy. Of course, I always kept chicken noodle soup on hand for the occasional cold.

With a tiny pantry for two, the need for more room became obvious. HHH has nifty wire shelves that he attached to the inside of his door, immediately increasing storage space. The first problem is that my pantry door is glass, not wood. The second hiccup is that my shelves need to be 24″ wide and the hardware store only sells the 18″ variety. Amazon always comes to the rescue when you need them.
The second problem is that I have a glass pantry door. Everything on the shelves and the shelves themselves would look pretty tacky through the glass. With a little more thought, my cupboard door is transparent no more. A covering of thick paper did the trick, almost looking like it was meant to be that way. Problem solved, the shelving will go up today!

Hubba-Hubba-Hubby has changed me over the last year. One thing I came to admire early in our relationship was that HHH would always have dinner planned. Usually a great dinner, freshly cooked or grilled, and always balanced. As a life-long athlete, his meals are always nutritious and delicious. Slowly, I’m beginning to love cooking as much as watching the world series and football.

After a full day of moving, when asked about last night’s plans for dinner, the answer was simple. Filet Mignon, grilled mushrooms, home-grown baked potatoes, fresh broccoli, and ice-cream sundaes for dessert. It just doesn’t get better than that.
Tonight, you’ll find me roasting Cornish game hens, stuffed with onions and celery and slathered with a rub of lemon-pepper, basil, poultry seasoning, and olive oil. With that, we’ll enjoy those hens with mushroom rice (from scratch, not a box) and a fresh garden salad. The cuisine is now excellent here at Winterpast.
HHH makes everything a special adventure. Want to plant some bulbs? By the time you turn the first shovel of dirt, HHH will have you so excited, you can’t help but want to plant 15 more. He’s got a unique and positive way of looking at every day life. There isn’t anything that can’t be fixed or rearranged to make things better. I love him deeply for his endearing quality of positivity.

As we settle into our married life, HHH continues to support and encourage my writing. Even though writing requires long stretches in which I need to remain focused in thought, he remains patient and quiet until the computer clicks off. I find writing while he’s watching the morning news is just about the most calming feeling in the world. I guess that’s one of the reasons we’re such a great match.
This weekend, we have two strong Navy seamen to come help us move the last of the heavy furniture. At Saturday’s end, we’ll finally have a couch and love seat in our very own living room. We’ll also have two guest rooms set up for drop in company. Then, it will be time to fine tune, hang pictures, and unpack for the holidays. Life is just one big stack of boxes these days.

Through all of this, Wookie and Oliver have been pretty darn good. They love being together all the time and don’t have so many frenzied moments of zoomies as they greet each other. They are still guilty of fence barking, which remains a focus of their training at this point. Both are pretty darn mouthy, but sincerely trying to do better.
Whatever you do this weekend, try to get outside for a bit. Autumn is such a lovely time of year. So, put on a jacket and go for a walk. As for us, we’ll continue handling the dregs of moving. Don’t forget to turn your clocks back tomorrow night! It’s only the best day of the year! An extra hour of sleep!
I’ll be back Monday to share stories of the wedding and more! Happy Friday!!!!!