It all started out with the perfect plan. Yesterday was to be the first quiet day we would’ve enjoy in weeks. Just a simple day of retirement starring the two newlyweds. The plan was quite an easy one. We’d practice being lazy. Stay in jammies all day. Watch a movie or two. Prepare for Halloween. That would be our goal, even though Winterpast is in total disarray with boxes stacked to the rafters. We’d ignore the mess for one day.
Closing our eyes to immediate sleep, we opened them a bit later than usual. The clock showed 5:15 AM when I got my first cuppa and went to our desk to write. Early risers, both, we’re also very quiet morning people. With the news playing softly in the background, I blogged. Writing comes as naturally now as when I used to write with my only company being Oliver as he snored at my feet. The day’s plans were unfolding perfectly.

Around 8AM, I made us a hearty breakfast of bacon and eggs. After that, I refilled our cookie jar with Tollhouse Chocolate Chip cookies made with semi-sweet and milk chocolate chips from scratch. A still lazy HHH inquired about the delicious aroma wafting in the kitchen.

Then, the fun began. With our brand-new freezer at the proper temperature of 6F, we decided to move all our frozen foods to their new home. I cannot tell you what fun we had organizing our combined frozens on the proper shelves. It was during this time I realized we both have meat hoarding tendencies. It’s delightful to open the door to see a vast array of available food ready for our nightly dinners.
A bit of Autumn advice. It’s a great time of year to go through your pantry. Inspect the expiration dates on each item and discard the old, while keeping a replacement list. The oldest thing we found had expired in 2016. Some things never expire, no matter the date. Dried beans, rice, or pasta to list a few. But, other things should go. Be on the look out for dented cans or bottles of liquid that have collected sediment in the bottom. Food poisoning isn’t a way we want to start wedded bliss.

With much sorting and purging, our kitchen is coming together. A new set of Ninja Never-Stick pots and pans that arrived, requiring unpacking and storage space. By then, the day was half over.
No jammies.
No movies.
No cuddling on the couch.
Just a suggestion that it would be nice to bring another load of belongings to Winterpast. With both of us agreeing it was totally necessary, off we went across town. Sixteen boxes and a load of clothes later, we decided that a pizza created by Chef “Papa Murphy” would be delicious followed by and ice cream desert created by Chef Steve.

With all the boxes needing unloading, we finished as we were greeted by Wookie and Oliver who both wondered just WHEN we might be thinking about giving them their dinner. Dogs are the best when it comes to helping us humans remember to stop and eat.

All in all, our quiet day of relaxation didn’t unfold the way we’d imagined. And yet, the best days are often spontaneous. The kids got a great brushing from Dad-Oh, while Mom-Oh went to work organizing late into the night. With continued work, Winterpast will again be orderly, just in time for our first Thanksgiving as a married couple.
As for moving, it’s exhausting and rewarding all at the same time. I had forgotten how much fun it is to be married to someone you like more than anyone else in the world. No matter what mundane tasks of life arise, if you’re with your bestie, it can’t help but be a great time.
By the way, Halloween was a bust in our neighborhood. We had only three littles that were brave enough to ring the bell. YES, we did buy candy especially for the event, and YES, we did leave the light on. The cold temperatures must have kept them away.
Whatever you do today, be thankful that you aren’t in the middle of a move. If you are moving, take a day off and don’t work through it like we did. Getting married and moving are two of life’s greatest stressors. Self-care, Pizza, and an ice cream sundae are essential to get through.
****** Today is the first day of “National Write A Novel Month”, more fondly referred to as NaNoWriMo. Here’s the plan. You write 1500 words a day for the month and you have a novel. There are no other rules than to write. Please look up their website for more information. I’m starting today. Happy writing.
More tomorrow.