If only moving was effortless! The Mrs. in the pic doesn’t seem to have a sore back or tired arms like we do.
Our move is in full swing with my Hubba-Hubba-Husband doing the heavy lifting while leaving the unpacking to me. Unpacking can be fun if the things you are unpacking weren’t just packed up the day before. In this case, the boxes unpacked yesterday held the content of one kitchen which is being moved to another.
Under the watchful eye of the most adorable little kitchen talisman made from a true Maine Lobster claw, no fragile items have been broken. Ten kitchen boxes have been unpacked, with the contents run through the dishwasher and placed in new cupboards. I’m pretty lucky to be acquiring new gadgets whose purpose HHH will demonstrate.

HHH is our Master Chef. Each morning, he peruses recipes on Facebook to find the right one for our dinner. He thinks nothing of dropping everything to run to Walmart for one missing item. He SINGS in the kitchen, yes he does! With a dreamy voice, he gets lost as he dances in the delicious aromas he creates. Am I Dreaming????? This is the best. EVER!!!!
Every Master Chef needs lots of pantry and freezer storage. With a purging of some wonderful cabinets, our garage storage is ready for the winter. The new upright freezer arrived yesterday, complete with the internal temperature on the door. For those garden parties for 40, the freezer can be turned into a giant refrigerator. Never have I ever seen a convertible freezer/refrigerator and now, we own one chilled to 6 degrees per the chef’s orders.

Of course, living alone for so long, I never never a second refrigerator or freezer in the garage. As far as I’m concerned, this honeymooner will enjoy every single snow, hoping for the one that renders us housebound. We’ll be prepared.
We’ve transported the 2023 potato crop to Winterpast. From HHH’s garden, we harvested 30 pounds of Russets, Yukon Gold, and Baby Reds. Growing potatoes was a garden highlight, for sure. If you haven’t attempted this, you must. The plants themselves are beautiful, but harvesting is even better. You just never know what lays just below the surface. These potatoes taste like no others.
From another mover across town, HHH scored on a stash of canning jars. All sizes. Next year, we’ll be gardening with purpose as we grow our own food. It doesn’t get better than that. The old apricot, Granny Smith apple, plum, and pear trees, and blue berry bushhad better sleep well. We’ll be depending on them next year.
There are some things that will stay behind. HHH’s favorite peach and nectarine trees. His grape vines. The cutest yard and garden areas. All will be left for the new renters enjoyment. And just like that, we are a married couple of two with our very own rental over which to fret.
Wookie and Oliver are a bit perplexed by the events of the last few weeks. We are home for a short time, leave, and then return with boxes. It’s all been very strange for them since Mom-Oh and Dad began walking around with beautiful new wedding rings. This move can’t go on forever, and then things will settle down.

Today is the second Halloween we’ll treat the kids to candy. Last year, we were across town at HHH’s house. It’s always fun to see the costumed littles as they brave the long walk to the front door. This year, the temperatures are really low with a current temp of 28F. Once the sun sets, it’s downright cold. We’ll see how many littles come to Winterpast. The porch light will be on for the first time since April 2020.
As we combine two homes, there are so many things that we no longer need. Currently, we have four bedroom sets and only three rooms in which to place them. We have two dining room sets with only one dining room. And so it goes with every room in the house. As things have happened so many times in the last year, another happy accident occurred.
After no inquiries on a perfectly good queen size bed, frame, dresser, chair, and bedding, HHH called the thrift store to come retrieve everything. We’d no sooner made the decision and placed the call and we received a call from The Mayor.
A family member signed necessary paperwork to lease an apartment yesterday. As it turns out, they’re just starting out in life and need everything. Quick as a cricket, we set them up in fine style. One bedroom, a love seat, AND a dining room table. They had strong bodies, a truck, and trailer with which move the items. A great combination resulting in room for our new guest bedroom room set! Win-Win!
As the World Series continue, it’s a lovely time to chase dust bunnies and then cuddle in with HHH. I can say that married life has been adorably sweet and comfy. It’s wonderful to laugh and talk with my best friend. I’d forgotten how much I’d missed companionship while talking about life late into the night.
With the new changes to my blog site AND all the other activities, I’m turning in early these days. Fall is such a lovely time of year to be a new bride in love.
I’ll be back tomorrow with the latest.
Happy Halloween!!