Well, the last of the major details are ironed out and plans for the big day are on hold until it arrives. Ceremonial protocols are in place. Biblical scripture has been chosen. Seating charts are in place. Flowers ordered. Menu planned. All the hard work is done. If so, why do I feel there are some important details forgotten? Because I’m the bride and we’re supposed to feel that way (or so I’ve been told).
Yesterday, it became REALLY REAL. While talking to the pastor in God’s house, the ceremonial details of The Big Day became finalized. There are still details to work out with the timing for the photos. It’s always hard to wait at the reception for the couple to arrive. I hate that part. But, it’ll be necessary to take some photos after the ceremony.

My Mysterious Marine / Fabulous Fiancé has only made one request. He doesn’t want to see me on the day of the wedding until I walk down the aisle. Easy enough. Our church has a little playhouse in which to hide. Complete with little tiny chairs, the hens will squeeze in a few minutes before the service begins. I’ll be listening for the correct place in the music and then, down the aisle I’ll glide.
Yesterday, the pastor if we’d like to record the service. At first, we both gave a confident “NO”. But, video is something you can choose to never watch again. However, if you don’t have the video, you don’t have a choice later on. There are also some important people that won’t be there. For them, we changed our minds and agreed. We did request that he ask people to turn off their phones and pay attention to the service. No extra pictures in the church.

Our beloved friends and family members are being so supportive. They’ll begin arriving the Thursday before the big day, and then party will begin. Until then, there are yards to mow and cobwebs to sweep in preparation for their visits. I’ve cleaned the guest room and bathroom many times over, wanting a 5-star review from my guests.
As the last of my houseplants die, I’ve been buying replacements. The African Violets should be in bloom when our big day arrives. Autumn is here turning Winterpast into a mural of reds, yellows, golds, and browns from leaves that are now falling. What a show the roses have given us this year! Thanks to MMFF, the yard has 8 new rose bushes, 1 apple tree, two Japanese Maples, and three hosta’s during the summer of 2023.
Next week, it’s again time to turn off the water for the year. It’s quite the routine, opening a valve here and shutting one off over there. The watering system of Winterpast is intricate and extensive, keeping the 1/2 acre of gardens watered twice a day. It’ll be nice to take a break from the demands of constant repairs and upkeep of the aged system, a chore about which MMFF never complains.

Today, my attention we be focused on shopping for the honeymoon. It’s time for new jeans and hoodies. We’ll need them as we start out on our new life together. Thankfully, our vacation won’t involve airplanes because in this crazy world, it might take us a week to arrive at our destination. We’re depending on a more traditional and luxurious form of transportation to whisk us away on our honeymoon.
Whatever you do today, enjoy the fall season. Check out the Halloween decorations that are appearing everywhere. If you live close to the Goddess of the Central Coast, you’ll already know that you can find a beautiful array of scarecrows in residence for the month of October. If you’re not, start a tradition of your own and put a few up in your neighborhood. Enjoy that morning cuppa and relax!!! It’s fall!

More tomorrow.