As the days get closer to the wedding, I’m really enjoying the life of the bride! As my “To-Do” list gets shorter another important detail pops into my head. And so it goes around here.
I’m finding that the more that MM and I share our news, the more fun this engagement becomes. It doesn’t matter who. Friend or stranger. The news of two sexagenarians marrying makes people smile.
Saturday, found us traveling to a nearby valley to attend the wedding of a young relative. The couple was of the appropriate age. In their 20’s, it was only fitting that they had six bridesmaids, six groomsmen, a junior bridesmaid, and one darling flower girl.

The weatherman had been threatening rain for two weeks. On that very morning, bright blue sky broke through heavy clouds, giving them the weather that every bride would love. I’m pretty sure their pictures will be fabulous, as the light had that perfect fall quality that I hope to see at my own wedding. The only droplets falling when they married at 2 PM were the bride’s tears.
The Mayor, (soon to be my brother-in-law), did a great job with the ceremony. As this was HIS oldest grandchild, it was hard for him to get through some of the words himself. Especially when the cutest bride was speaking her vows through tears of her own.
After the ceremony and a wait for pictures, the party moved into a barn. Not a moment too soon, as the rain started.

It’s hard to compare weddings, especially when the bride and groom are at such different seasons of life. The wedding of a couple with their entire life ahead of them is different than that of a couple that is in the Autumn of their lives. Each union has its own unique qualities.
This week, it’s time to buckle down and get the last details ironed out. We’ll be meeting with our pastor to talk about the marriage ceremony. There are vows to be written and music to be selected for the church. The venue, food, cake, and music have been selected, but now need fine-tuning. When thinking of the normal cost of weddings these days, I’m proud to say we’ve kept under budget.
A new friend who just happens to be a professional is going do the photography. Not only does he do an occasional wedding from time to time, he is THE photographer for the huge rodeo in the biggest little city to the west, along with their air races. If this man is shooting rodeo competition from inside the ring, he’ll be able to get some great shots of our family as they celebrate our day!
As all couples do, we’ll be off on a beautiful honeymoon to parts kept secret for now. I’ll be taking at least a week off to enjoy my new married life. But, that’s a little while from now.

Through all of this, I guess I’ve been glowing. It’s been a long time since I’ve glowed about anything. People smile and tell me happiness looks good on me. Let me tell you all, it feels great.
When I think back through my experiences since January of 2020, I thank God that MM was waiting for me at this fork in the road. Sweet MM with his enchanting smile and sparkling blue eyes. There is no doubt in our minds that God planned the next part of our journey just for us.

Whatever you do today, listen to some of your favorite tunes. Music lightens the load and can brighten your spirit. If you have a chance to attend a wedding, do it while wearing a smile. Remember, happiness is something wonderful to share with others.
More tomorrow.