Since God chose you to be the holy people he loves, you must clothe yourselves with tenderhearted mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience. Make allowance for each other’s faults, and forgive anyone who offends you. Remember, the Lord forgave you, so you must forgive others. Above all, clothe yourselves with love, which binds us all together in perfect harmony. Colossians 3: 12-14

In these crazy days, that’s a tall order. With scammers, hackers, and cheats around us, those souls trying to do the right thing are often victims. But, not always.
Last Saturday, a UPS delivery woman rang my doorbell. She wore her scowl like armor as she shoved a package towards me. Who knows the reason she was upset. She WAS a UPS driver. I can’t imagine her days jumping in and out of a hot truck to deliver heavy packages while avoiding the hazards of the job. In the case of one poor soul Monday, a rattlesnake that put her in the ICU. Dogs are not always friendly, either.

This woman didn’t have time for a smile. No chit chat. No wave goodbye. Just the delivery, Ma’am. Nothing but the delivery. And a package for an entitled “Karen” at that. UGHHHH.
She looked at me.
All of a sudden she broke into a brilliant smile. This actually transformed her into the beautiful young woman she was! Her eyes sparkled. She was actually grinning. For goodness sakes, there seemed to be an immediate glow!
The morning had already been filled with dead cell phone battery craziness and an unplanned trip to Walmart. I’d answered the door in haste and forgotten something silly. I was wearing my golden “BRIDE” tiara while making apple pies for the party that night. Alexa was playing our wedding play. I think “Happy” by Pharrell was on. She probably heard me singing off key when she rang the bell.
“Are YOU getting MARRIED?????” she asked, as if we’d been besties forever.
Then it was my turn to put a smile on my flour-dusted face!
“Oh MY! I forgot the tiara. YES, I AM!!!” I replied, as my hand immediately went up to grab the tiara.

We were both giggling by this point.
“CONGRATUATIONS! This is the best news of my day!”
The young woman sprinted to her truck, turning to wave once more before she drove away. She was still smiling.
She changed my morning, too. It’s okay to be silly while baking apple pie. A woman shouldn’t be shy about wearing a “Bride” tiara when she is one! No matter the age, being the bride is an exciting time in life.
If I’d grabbed the package and slammed the door, she would have continued on her grumpy way. This tiny exchange was enough that it made its place in my wedding journal.
Our upcoming nuptials seem to have that affect on the people around us. It IS delightful that two sexagenarians (one six months from becoming a septuagenarian) have found something that people look for their entire life. LOVE. How wonderful that we are the ones that can spread some happy news. We both paid it forward in our separate journeys through the wilderness of widowhood. We’re drinking in every single smile from family and friends. It’s our turn to Be Happy.

Whatever you do today, reach out to a person that’s having a rotten day. All it takes is a smile. Think about someone gruff and offer them a little tenderhearted mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience. You might be surprised how nice they look sporting a smile.
More tomorrow.