What a beautiful Weekend! Although I need a few weekdays to rest and recover, I will say that it’s been some time since I’ve enjoyed such fun. Thinking back to the events of Saturday and Sunday fills me with amazement and wonder. For the blessing of friends and neighbors I am so grateful.
The weekend did start differently than MM and I had planned. The invitations arrived a day late, making Friday night crunch time to address them. My Mysterious Marine, and soon to be husband, arrived with his names and addresses at the ready. I was prepared with my trusty address book. Together, we addressed, stuffed, stamped, and licked each one. Someone asked if MM watched TV while I did the addressing. Nope. He was there every step of the way, even when ingesting the retched envelope glue. A Ride or Die friend. That’s my MM.
Saturday, we’d planned a little dinner party with neighbors to announce our engagement. Just a few guests. Seventeen to be exact. MM had been over most of the day beautifying the gardens here at Winterpast. We set up tables and chairs for 18 as the first leaves of the season were falling.
For our menu, we chose Rustic Country BBQ. We started with Chips and dips, crackers and cheese. For the main course, we served BBQ Chicken with Sweet Baby Ray’s sauce, baked beans, green salad, and homemade Mac N’ Cheese. There were two homemade apple pies for desert. The food must have been good, because most of it was gone by the end of the night.
Laughter floated on the evening air. Just a bunch of neighbors from houses on the block getting to know one another better. I learned the following.
1. We have a bowling champion and master quilter living just a few doors away.
2. My new neighbor across the street has the most precious smile.
3.Everyone loves a good glass of wine and conversation.
4.My margarita maker is still the hit of any party.
5. Ninja Neighbor and her tribe are a blessing to the entire street.
I learned about neighborhood parties from my Auntie TJ. She started this whole thing years ago with a Christmas party. Just an open house that started at 5, because 5 is the most elegant hour to start a party. The same magic occurred at her house, whether at Christmas or 4th of July. She knew how to draw the neighbors in and slowly, a family was formed. Even today, when I visit her small coastal town, I still need to visit the neighbors, because they’re my friends too. Heck, I even met a real, honest to goodness Goddess of the Central Coast along the way.
Saturday night, the Dolls of the Desert Plains and their men-folk were delightful. We’re already thinking about our next party, to be held in December. We’ll still be honeymooning. A perfect time to celebrate new beginnings.
Of course, we had wedding invitations for everyone with hugs all around as this was neighborhood NEWS. I couldn’t have been more proud of MM. While BBQ-ing, he visited with everyone, being the perfect host and fiancé.
Sunday was a day for worship at our little church. Twenty more invitations were delivered followed by more hugs and squeals of delight. In a few days time, a little desert church sitting on a wide spot along the interstate will be the place to be. SRO. Standing Room Only.
There, at the end of the aisle, my Mysterious Marine will be waiting just for me. As long as he’s there, everything will be alright. Somewhere along the way, I must’ve done something good.
More tomorrow.