Winter Has Passed

Wookie Enjoying the gardens of Winterpast.

As we plan to squeeze out the last bit of summer fun this weekend, I share a rare picture of the gardens of Winterpast and Wookie with you. If you look closely, you’ll see the greenhouse towards the top, just left of center. Blessed with this oasis, gardening is something that is a pleasure, without demanding too many days of back-breaking labor. At least for me. MM might tell you a different tale.

This year, MM has planted three hostas, seven roses, and two Japanese Maple trees. To accomplish this, he used his own trusty pick ax to make holes in the desert soil. Any Mysterious Marine that owns a pick ax is a good guy! Then, he went on to pour a concrete foundation and, with the help of his trusty “go-for” girl, build our 10′ x 14′ greenhouse.

The Greenhouse at Winterpast.

This summer, the back yard has come to life. This is, in part, due to the wonderful plant supplement called “SuperThrive”. If you garden and haven’t found this product, do some research and buy some. It’s not cheap, it’s used sparingly. On an average yard, 4 oz. will last a season or more. It’s worth it’s weight in gold. Unlike “Miracle Grow”, which works on leaf production, “Super Thrive” works to stimulate root growth. The two together produce amazing results.

Earlier in the year, we went on a garden tour in the land of Top Gun, just to the east. A woman had the most beautiful hydrangea. Not the usual one found at Grandma’s house on the coast, but a very different plant thriving in the hot desert sun. I fell in love with it and purchased my own at the local nursery.

After bringing this delicate beauty home, I did a very stupid thing. Replanted, I set the new plant in full sun as the directions said to do. However, full sun in the desert isn’t the best idea when you have just repotted something. This gorgeous plant lost almost every leaf, even with lots of water and Miracle Grow. She was stressed to the max.

MM assured me no worry was necessary. After all, there is always the magic of “Super Thrive”. I lacked faith the magic would work. He proved me wrong. The plant, moved to the shade of the back patio, is thriving. With thick green foliage, she’s a happy plant that will winter in the greenhouse.

Twinkling lights grace all the trees in the yard. Up-lighting illuminates my “banyan” apricot tree. The Christmas present of outdoor lighting that MM lovingly installed in early spring, provide a soft glow to the perimeter of Winterpast as the days shorten, turning into cool desert evenings. The best kind of evening for a block party.

With hand written invitations already delivered, 20 neighbors are coming over tomorrow night to enjoy BBQ chicken, Mac N Cheese, fruit, green salad, and signature homemade apple pie. And the great news of upcoming nuptuals. It’ll be fun to spend the evening visiting with friends from our block.

Lighting can make all the difference.

In the background, the wedding favors are in the final phase of completion. Little stickers are secured on the bottom of 300 Hershey’s kisses. Plates, cups, and cutlery for the wedding sit waiting for the big day. THE dress is selected. Shoes are purchased. Thirty favorite songs are now part of my first-ever personal play list. Invitations should arrive today to be sent out ASAP. During this past week, progress has been made, eliminating the need for bridal nightmares.

With a life full of friends and family here on the desert, happiness brings with it laughter and a peace that surpasses all understanding. Memories of a wonderful past life are as beautiful as the blooms of Winterpast. The present is rich and overflowing with fulfilling activities. The future, just like the rose, will unfold under God’s watchful eye. It’s just the way life is.

Whatever you do today, make it count. If you are a person of faith, read some in your Bible. If you already do that, don’t just read it, study it. Such a rich tapestry of life and all the lessons it holds. If your eyesight isn’t the best, listen to the words. is a wonderful website offering most languages and versions of the Bible online. Check it out!!

Have a wonderful weekend. More on Monday.