All my attention has been towards music in these past days. Music that will be the backdrop at the best reception of the years. Ours. If you’re a vicenarian or tricenarian, musical choices are fresh and obvious. Just turn on the radio and choose the songs you know and love. Us sexagenarians have extra decades full of musical choices. Old songs carry us back to simpler times.
I grew up in a house full of music. My parents loved music and made sure that we were exposed to it. My father played the trombone in high school. His instrument stayed in the closet until they sold the ranch, a brass object of mystery. My mother played the piano beautifully. The oldest sister escaped and became a twirling majorette. The next played the accordian, the middle one chose the clarinet. And then, there was me.
I learned a little of this and a little of that. Is started with percussion and piano. As I grew, being too cool for the marching band, I stuck with choir, using the instrument God gave me. I played the guitar for a few years, learning enough chords to accompany many popular ballads of the 70’s. Yes, music has always been a part of my life.
Having hours to fill, MM and I came to a quick agreement. Each one of us will pick 25 of our favorite songs. They will be added to a computerized play list, one of his, one of mine, until we have 50. At 3 – 4 minutes a song, that will cover it. Sounds easy, right? Take the challenge, yourself. You’ll find lots of instructions online. Keep trying until you get it.
My list takes me back to a time when my sisters were in high school and I was 5 years old. Having older siblings, I gained a broader appreciation for musical selections outside my own age group. Sam Cooke and Etta James will make a special appearance. But, Jason Mraz also made the mix.
The DJ we chose will be a brand new nephew of mine. This young guy will control the room and get the party started. If you can’t smile in his presence, you might not be in a mood for a wedding reception. At least, not ours. He’ll be the perfect DJ to guide a wonderful night.
One requested dance to happen sometime during the night will be La Conga. Other than that, it will be dancing as usual. No German Polkas. No chicken dance. No electric slide. Just a lot of people on the dance having a great time.
Whatever you do today, enjoy some music. It can lift you right out of a terrible day. Turn on the radio and dance a bit. It will get your blood flowing. Just ask Alexa for your favorites. She will help you find some tunes.
More tomorrow.