Two words should never find themselves in the same sentence.
Hawaii has always been my safe space. So many nights, the memories of time spent with VST have lulled me to sound sleep. It was our happy place for 32 years. When things got overwhelming we’d pack our bags and go. It was our second home. A place to reconnect and dream about the future. We considered ourselves visiting locals.
Each person leaves Hawaii with a unique mural etched on their heart. A little bit of paradise tucked in the suitcase. Once you’ve fallen in love with the trade winds, moonlit beaches, and nature’s music tumbling on the waves, you’re just never the same.
Today, pray for our island Brothers and Sisters on Maui. Today, I grieve for them. Something wonderful is gone.
So much loss.
Hold sweet memories close today. Take some time to remember one of the most beautiful places in the world.
More tomorrow.