De-Cluttering and hot August days are meant for each other. For the last few years, I’ve held on to boxes of memory filled cell phones and lap tops. Although electronic devices aren’t usually considered sentimental items, looking at them takes me back through my years with VST, as we upgraded our electronics.
Although we weren’t obsessed with having the latest and greatest, every year there was something that needed updating. There was just one small problem. VST wouldn’t get rid of the old. He was just like that. Everything was secreted in his office because, as he would remind me, “You just never know……”
Well, as I sit here in August, 2023, I do know one thing. I’ve had to learn a bunch to retrieve old memories off these devices.
Oh, how I long for the days of Costco Photos. I’d drop off rolls of 35 mm film and then wait a few days until the photographs were ready. I’d always order two sets, because of course, “You just never know….” Although in those day with time being a precious commodity, I scrapbooked every school year from 1996 – 2010. The first copy of each picture would go into the scrapbook while the second one would go home with a child. Those photographs were precious.
Last week, as I collected up the phones, laptops, and desktops, I felt overwhelmed. How would I ever learn how to retrieve the information off the devices? No longer was I going to hold onto this junk. The problem was that it wasn’t junk as long as it held old memories.
And so I began to learn.
The first thing about retrieving information is that you can’t really do anything wrong. If you do, shut the machine down and then try again. If you get dangerously close to deleting things, the device will ask several times if that is your intention. That should give anyone attempting to do this a little piece of mind.
You need the proper cords for the proper devices. So far, I’ve found all the right cords. This, in itself, is a miracle considering I had phones from 2007.
Look to You Tube for advice. There videos explaining steps for retrieving data from every type of device. Take notes and get started.
As I went through phone after phone, I realized how much our society is losing by capturing pictures using this method. How many people forget the thousands of images they’ve taken on this day or that? For me, if it’s not printed, it didn’t happen.
Going through the phones was emotionally draining. When I work with old photos and mementos, I’m transported back to the Land-of-Long-Ago. Going through that portal takes a lot of mental energy, but, it’s also healing. Everything in due time. At this point, I’m down to two tablets, two phones, and a laptop. The video tapes wait for another day.
When all the important documents and photos have been retrieved, return the device back to the factory setting. Then the fun part begins. Retrieval of the hard drive or SIM card. Again, turn to YouTube to find out how to disassemble your desktop, laptop, or phone. With a small screwdriver, a dining room table, and patience, you’ll be done in no time.
An important note. Remove the SIM cards from old phones when you are finished. These little chips hold all your personal information. Once those are removed, reset the phone to factory settings. Throw the SIM card away. For computers and lap tops, the hard drives should be removed before you discard the device. This is rather like working a puzzle to get to the prize.
Then comes the fun part.

Take the biggest hammer you own and smash the hard drive with all your might. Strike it over and over until it is really bent. This is great for relieving your self of any angry thoughts. It’s also much cheaper than visiting a rage room. Remember, be sure to wear eye-protection.

Once the computer is in pieces, bag it up and put it in the garbage. Unless you live in California, of course. There, you keep that stuff forever.
Reclaiming data and place it in one central place feels wonderful. The thought of losing those connections to the past kept me clinging to those devices for almost 20 years. For, in the real world, kids grow up and move away. Blonde hair turns grey. Cancer comes knocking. The unexpected happens.
Oy Vey.
I just never knew………
Whatever you do today, look for old devices and their cords. Charge them up and reclaim your memories.
More tomorrow.