Happy Monday morning to everyone from here at Winterpast. What a productive weekend! MM and I finished assembling the greenhouse and is it ever a beauty!!!
Last weekend, The Mayor and my Mysterious Marine (MM) came together in brotherly fashion, forming and laying the best foundation a girl could ask for. The perfect width and depth, it turns out it was measured correctly. After an application of construction grade Gorilla Glue between the frame and foundation on Saturday, we let the project cure for 24 hours.
During that time, MM and I enjoyed an afternoon of play. We took turns rolling the dice as we played a variation of the board game, Monopoly. This version was named after our town. Considering that we know the Mayor pretty well, it was fun to land on a space that granted lunch with him. Each space on the board was named after something we know, like “In-Town Park”, “Main Street”, or La Fiesta Mexican Restaurant”.
Play a board game on a Saturday afternoon is something I haven’t done for years. MM was a formidable opponent. I’m sure he deployed strategies learned over the years as the oldest brother in a house of five boys. It mattered not. It was great fun, and he won. With shared laughter and happiness, we both came out winners.
Sunday was construction day. Beginning at 6:30, we began our first project as a team. I’m totally amazed at how well we worked together, finishing our project in just over six hours. There were a couple tough spots in which this piece or that one didn’t quite go as we wanted. MM knew which bolt to loosen or tighten, and the project was completed without a single broken panel. A 10′ x 14′ greenhouse is something to behold. It’s the perfect size for us, having plenty of floor space for two gardeners.
I’m so thankful that Veikous Greenhouses (purchased through Lowe’s) has their kits dialed in. If not, things could have gone differently. Every piece was labeled with a number that coincided with detailed instructions. Easy to follow. Great results.
Beginning while the structure was still shaded, the front and back walls were soon standing. Then, the sides went up. Finally it was time for the roof.
By 1:00 PM, we were done. The temperature? Hovering around 100.
Never having constructed a Greenhouse before, there’ve been a few surprises along the way. Like the fact that all joints need Silicone caulking. When complete, the Silicone will cost 1/3 of the total price of the greenhouse.

Solar power is so handy for little items. Many of the back-yard garden lights are powered by solar. The fans in the greenhouse will be powered by solar, keeping the temperature more manageable. To avoid the need for wiring, I’ll use solar lighting in the greenhouse, too, for the nights that I work a little past sundown.
Another fun item I just found is a solar fountain pump. I’ve always loved little garden fountains, but hate the cords and need for additional outlets.

MM and I are already dreaming of all the annuals we’re going to start from seeds next year. With the price of plants at Lowe’s, this structure will pay for itself in no time.
As for today, I’m turning my attention to gutter repairs. A company is coming to give me an estimate a little later this morning. They specialize in gutter filters to keep your gutters leaf and clog free. If you buy their product, they will include gutter repairs. I find it interesting that there aren’t more gutter-repair companies in our area. This seems to be the only one. I have a feeling, when I hear the price, it will encourage me to practice my ladder skills and figure out how to repair them myself. Such is the life of the homeowner.
Whatever you do today, take a walk around your house and see what improvements you can fit in before Autumn is upon us. Only 54 more days remain until the Autumnal Equinox on September 23rd. Take care that your animals and plants have plenty of fresh, cool, water, and while you’re at it, stay hydrated yourself!
More tomorrow.