Small town life is found throughout our great country. People who choose to live in downtown New York City just couldn’t ever understand. Not anymore than I can understand how they can stand to live in Downtown-Big-City, Any State, USA. I almost get hives just thinking about the traffic, grumpiness, and fast pace of life in large cities.
Give me a Nevada style “Night-in-the-Country” any day of the week. Stars so bright it seems you can reach out and touch them. Nights so dark it’s hard to see your own hands, let alone anything else. Mustangs and their foals right along side the roads named after desert plants. There is nothing like small-town living.
Just this morning, with heavy wind warnings up for my area, I noticed the mustangs are down from the hills. With the heat, their water and food sources are drying up. They can always count on small-towner’s to help them out. I would imagine the battle with the horses will be intense this year.
These days, with such polarization in our country, small town people are being attacked for being good, kind, decent, honorable people who love country music. Weird. What happened to the Live-and-Let-Live, laid back feelings of the mid 1900’s? It would be lovely to return to the ways of those days and try it awhile. Yes. There were social problems back then, too. My memory just tends to drift towards the kinder parts of those times.
Last week, the Angel of the Aluminum Cloud and I enjoyed Tuesday Frolics. Such a day we enjoy when traveling to the biggest little city to the west. There’s never a lack of conversation. Sometimes spiritual. Sometimes philosophical. Sometimes, historical. Sometimes social. Always rich and interesting.
On that particular Tuesday, she arrived right on time. Springing out of her car, she announced that she had a little something for me. Opening her trunk, she produced the beautiful wall hanging and handed it to me! Absolutely the finest craftsmanship, she’d even remembered a hanging wire on the back.
The galloping mustang is a true wonder of nature to behold. I noticed a REAL lasso, a shout out to my love of Wyoming. Only the best place in the entire world, and her home for many years. A hint of barbed wire keeps things organized. Rusted barbed wire. My favorite condition of metals is rusted. Unless the metal is galvanized, which I love just as much.
I was so touched when I found out she had made this gorgeous piece just for me. She has access to a “junk” pile, although, nothing in this piece even began to resemble the junk piles I knew from the ranch. They looked more like this.

A little bit of this. A large piece of that. Scraps from projects throughout the years. All kept because, “You just never know……..” A ranch wife’s worst nightmare. The junk pile that just keeps growing and growing in hopes of a future purpose.
Anyway, Angel of the Aluminum cloud started explaining her art project. She KNEW I love the mustangs and had found the equine anchor piece, aged to perfection. The piece of lasso was, indeed, something they had from life in Wyoming. The barbed wire was added for a nod to Wyoming, as well. All mounted on fresh boards.
This was all amazing enough. But, being blonde, (even though the hair is grey, my roots will be forever blonde), I didn’t focus on the most amazing part. The street on which you’ll find Winterpast and me is named after one of the items in this art piece. Truly personal, well thought out, and heart warming!
That is small town kindness, thoughtfulness, and ingenuity. Things from the “Some Day” pile used to create something of beauty that will be appreciated for years to come. A handmade gift from one dear friend to another.
Whatever you do today, stop thoughts that might take you to a place of judgment or distaste. Just stop. Think of this instead. Live and Let Live. Unless its someone that threatens your very existence, just try tolerance. I going to take my own advice and try it too. Maybe New York City IS a wonderful place to live. I hope city dwellers everywhere have a wonderful day. As for me, I’m off to walk with the mustangs in the desert for a bit.
More tomorrow.