They’re Gone
As you shed tears that they’re gone
Remember to smile because they’ve lived
While closing your eyes to pray they’ll come back
Open your eyes and see all they’ve left
Of course, your heart’s empty because you can’t hold them close
But your heart also remembers the love you shared
For a time, you’ll turn your back on tomorrow and live yesterday
With time, you’ll be happy for tomorrow BECAUSE OF yesterday
You can remember only that they’re gone
Or you can cherish precious memories, helping them to live on
When grief is new, you’ll cry, close your mind, and turn your back
And then, one fine day you’ll do what they would want:
Open your eyes.
And then….
Go On.
Grief. Up and down. Like being tossed around in the highest seas. More lonely than a desert highway. But, like boats on the ocean or a car in the desert, we’re just passing through our grief. Don’t stay there too long, for all the world’s mysteries and tomorrows are too precious to waste. Keep going, in spite of the grief. It WILL get better.
More tomorrow.
Based on original poem “He is Gone” by David Harkins