I found this piece quite by accident, never having known a thing about Karl Jenkins. I found out in a cruel way, not unlike the bullying that goes on with children across our country and the world.
Okay. I’ll fess up. I’m a royal junky. My favorite royals to watch are William and Kate’s children. Not having access to littles in my family anymore, it’s always fun to watch these three children. Hard to believe that they will grow up to be real Princes and a true Princess. Someday, one will be king. But, for now, they are cute kiddos.
Saturday, MM and I watched with the world as Charles became the king he waited his entire life to become. I couldn’t help think of lovely Diana and the Queen she would have been. The present “Queen”, as she has now become, has quite the past to overcome. I hope their love story is as real as the tabloids would like us to believe. It didn’t have the best start.
Harry reminded us all that even when royal, a family is a family. He breezed in for the main ceremony and then rushed back across the pond to his own life. How awkward for him, even though, the worst of it came from his own poisonous pen. My mother always said, “Be careful of the words you write. They may come back to haunt you.” But then, Harry doesn’t have his mom to argue reason. Just an entitled American actress wife that never fit in.
Yes. Grief made itself known in the absense of Charles mom, Queen Elizabeth,and his Dad, Prince Phillip. Without her death, the entire process couldn’t continue. And so life goes on.

At one point, Charles was clutching his little golden orb, almost like a child with a new ball. I read about the orb. Commissioned in the 1660s for King Charles II, the Sovereign’s Orb is presented during the coronation ceremony to, according to the Tower of London, remind the monarch “their power is derived from God.” Who knows how much that orb is worth, but he was clutching it with both hands. Fitting that it’s hollow inside. Probably a lot like the life of a King-In-Waiting. Hollow.
Through all the hype about Katy Perry not being able to find her seat, to the Who’s Who on the party list, there was one little lost story. There was a gentleman at the coronation who looked a bit out of place. His hair wasn’t combed just right. His mustache hadn’t been trimmed in awhile. Ahhh, the worlds of Twitter and Social Media were ablaze. Just who was this imposter in disguise???? It became a thing.

This poor guy was just sitting in his seat, an invited guest like everyone else. Thanks to plenty of cameras producing video and still shots, a on-line guessing game began. Was it Elvis, come back from the dead? Who was this man in a disguise?
Sometimes the world is just too cruel. This man, who was a distinguished and invited guest was no other than the Welch composer of the beautiful song, Benedictus. Karl Jenkins. I’d never heard of his music, so immediately found the song, listened, and was in awe. Such a brilliant composer was treated so badly by those around the world that want to judge and ridicule someone that rocked a look all his own. They should all send their apologies to such a man.
And, by the way, he was wearing a medal of some sort. Must make him a pretty important guy. He rocks his locks.
In my lifetime, there’s a good chance that I’ll never see another coronation. It seems longevity is a family trait of the royals. I would imagine that today, things will start to return to normal. The kids will go back to school. Everyone will send their finery to the museum for safe keeping. The jewels and that orb will again be safely under lock and key. Life will return to whatever it looks like in their family.
It’s important that we all remember one thing. We come into the world and leave it in the same way, each of us. No matter that we might hold the “Golden Orb” for a few seconds of our lives, it’s a sure thing those moments are fleeting. We would all be wise to hold onto to things that are solid, not just studded with precious jewels while actually being hollow and empty inside.
Whatever you do today, enjoy your privacy. Enjoy the fact that you aren’t someone glittering for a moment while being splashed across social media. Rock your own unique look. Above everything else, remember to be kind. It’s the only way to fly.
More tomorrow.