Some days its hard to know what has happened to our world. Life is turned upside down and the dogs are definitely running the show. At least, it was like that at my house until I got the upper handle on Ollie’s inside behavior. Since I returned to top dog status, his behavior has gotten much more acceptable. He has his bed and there are boundaries in this the house that is mine, not his. At least I like to believe that at least once a day.
Many years ago, while living in the Central Valley of California, I used a kennel when VST and I would travel to Hawaii. Not for the farm dogs, but for the little piece of lint named Freckles. He was just too small to leave alone.
In the early 2000’s, Elaine’s Animal Hotel was one of the first to have a lobby and registration desk, just like a human hotel. With soft music and muted colors in the lobby, it felt as if you were checking into a plush resort for humans.
“And will Freckles being enjoying water play with his new friends?”
Of course, daily water play was another $5. Each additional activity added $5 to the bill. Massages were an additional $10. Freckles enjoyed the standard stay. $20 a day at that time. Food wasn’t included at that price. Wanting to the do the best for my furry friend, that was the choice of kennels.
Oliver enjoys great living conditions when he goes to puppy camp. There is free swimming, lots of play time, and sometimes photos on Facebook. There are always holiday dinners and lots of ear scratches. Oliver’s vet is just next door to the kennel, which makes using them the logical choice.
After Ollie’s last puppy camp adventure, in which he found a new girlfriend, the camp director came up with stunning new.
“Joy, Ollie visits us regularly. If you could send us your dates through December it would be a great idea. Thanksgiving is already booked.”
This is only April. Thanksgiving is booked? Sir Oliver of Ashworth Hall is on a waiting list?????? For puppy camp?????? That’s how things are these days in the world of dog services.
Wookie has been waiting patiently for her haircut since the wook-lets left her for their Fur-ever homes. All are happily adopted, one even having been personally delivered by a granddaughter to the East Coast at the new owner’s expense. I couldn’t make this up if I tried.
Anyway, shaggy Wookie has a heavy woolen coat that needs to be removed. MM waited two months for the appointment. Eight weeks! The night before he received a phone call that the groomer has gone on vacation and will call when she returns. Just like that. Poof. Mop shop appointment? Cancelled.
There are three groomers in our little town. One receives rave reviews, being the shop of choice. All three shops are full. No more customers accepted at this time. It seems Wookie is out of luck as her hair grows day by day.
Long gone are the days when a human vacation popped up and you could get a last minute appointment at the kennel. Oliver has his vacations scheduled through January 2, 2004. It’s easy to cancel a reservation. You can’t make one when there are no vacancies.
Of course, there is the option of hiring someone to watch Oliver at home. Considering the fact that twice he’s run out the door to bark at the neighbor without looking back even once, that option isn’t safe for him.
There is the option of buying a set of trimmers and beautifying Wookie ourselves. That might be the way we need to go. She is in need, indeed.

To this. MM, I think we could do this.
If you are considering a new career, you might consider pet services. Doggie Day Care. Puppy Camp. Grooming. Life is going to the dogs. Long gone are the days of the farm dog that took care of its own needs while protecting his family. The farm dogs of the ranch were legendary. Mastiffs. No fluff and buff needed for those guys. Forty lbs. of kibble a week and they were good to go.

Whatever you do today, consider your activities for the next six months. If you are a dog owner planning time away, book your kennel stay early. There just might not be a room at the Inn if you don’t.
More tomorrow.