After a wonderful vacation, I’m back to fill you in on the latest happenings in my tiny little town. It’s definitely springtime in the desert, although the temperature was a chilly 43 degrees Fahrenheit this morning. Although the afternoons are quite sunny and comfortable, it’s still nippy before dawn. The winds have been fierce and will continue to be today. The high Sierra’s are expecting snow again tonight. It’s still winter there.
Last week, the temperatures rose into the high 80’s, intensifying worries of flooding. With much of the pasture land under water and reservoirs full, it’ll be interesting to see where the spring run off will go. One thing is for certain, flood waters are rising.
Here at Winterpast, the apricot, plum, and apple trees are beginning to bloom. The blueberry bush is budding. The bulbs are awakening. The lawn is greening up. Spring is here! Sadly, a random frost wiped out the apricots and they will again be ornamental this year. Such is the way of the weather in the desert.
I’m happy to say the horses haven’t been around to visit. They usually return to the high country to avoid people when the weather starts to improve. At 4500 ft. elevation, some would say I already live in high country, but there are many hidden peaks and valleys around here that are much higher.
So far this year, I’ve only seen one foal. With the horse management teams working the herds, many of the mares are now sterilized. Of course, there are the continual round-ups in which the mustangs are captured and moved to holding pens which have a very strange resemblance to cattle feed lots. There are many pretty fairy tales about their relocation. The sad reality is that there are just too many. If this tears at your heart, come adopt one for $125. Bring a rope and a beat up trailer. Just remember, they are 1,000+ lbs. of wild.
As is often the case in the desert, our spring will be a short one this year. In just a couple weeks, it may seem more like summer. That’s life in the desert.
If you love your garden like I do, you’ve probably started dealing with the weeds. The other day, I was out weeding when the first neighbors of the day walked by.
“So much work, those weeks are, eh?”
“Sure are.”
“We pay to have them sprayed once a year. Saves time and our backs.”
Wait, WHAT????? After they shared the cost, I returned to the more affordable removal method of choice. Old fashioned weeding.
About ten minutes later, Ninja Neighbor came out to walk her dogs.
“Hey there, are you going to spray this year? I’m getting my yard done today.”
I’m currently rethinking the weed abatement program here on the grounds of Winterpast.
As the birds are selecting the proper placement of the first nests of the season, the yard calls to me and I must go.
Whatever you do today, don’t let the weeds get ahead of you. Don’t go crazy with the soil sterilant. Use it only where you want things sterilized for the entire year. Check for emerging bulbs and the first flowers of spring. In the morning chill, there’s always spring cleaning that waits inside. Sunshine is sure to put a smile on your face!
More tomorrow.