In the Sweet Bye and Bye

It’s been 3 years since VST lost his battle with Cancer. Some days it seems like 3 decades ago, while others days it seems like yesterday. During the next few days, I plan to take time to celebrate VST with family and friends as we approach April 8th. After Easter, I plan to enjoy some much needed time to reflect and work on great garden plans for Winterpast 2023!

Please enjoy these precious days before Easter Sunday. VST loved this time of year, while taking care of the fragile new growth in the vineyard. He celebrated his very first Easter in Heaven just days after leaving his beautiful home on Earth.

Whatever you do in the next days of spring 2023, make them count. Create something beautiful! A plant? A place for nesting birds? A new friendship? Reflect in this season of renewal.

I’ll be back April 17th!