All I can say for sure is this. When I turn 85, there better be a party.
I’m still a bit groggy from the wonderful party last night at the Cow Hand’s Café. Not knowing how in the heck we kept it quiet, it was a huge shock to the guest of honor, Miss B, my Mysterious Marine’s mom. With all the twists and turns in her journey during the last year, she celebrates her day today, but we kicked off the festivities last night. In the past year, she’s suffered broken bones, moved out of her house to rehab, emptied and nearly sold her home, and then decided to get well enough to move back in to begin again. To watch her heal and return to her life has been nothing short of a string of miracles all worthy of a big party for her 85th. The next chapter of her beautiful life.
The Mysterious Marine comes from a family of five boys. There are actually a couple step brothers I’ve yet to meet, but Miss B started with this core group of five, with MM being the oldest. The baby is about ten years younger and still hard at work as a coach. These five men are a wonderful example of what brotherhood should be. Having grown up in this town, their family is legendary at the High School and community, as is she. After all, Son #2 is our town Mayor. Miss B, you did a great job!
The birthday talk starting weeks ago. With a visit at her home coming to an end, Miss B made one final declaration that night.
“I’m turning 85 on April 3rd and there’d better be a party. A good one.”
Now, I don’t know about you, but when a person almost 20 years my senior says, “There’d better be…” I know there better be. Period. No time to pussy foot around with “Maybe’s” or “We’ll See”-s. Time to put the date on the calendar and run with it, which is exactly what was done. In secret. Sometimes a little hearing loss is a blessing.
After weeks of hushed phone calls and a final flurry of activity, the party started last night when she walked into the room. There were balloons hugging the ceiling. Thirty members of this wonderful family came together to celebrate their Mom, Grandma, and dear friend. The room overflowed with “Remember when”-s of love and respect. The restaurant had to put on extra staff just for us. And yes, her son, The Mayor, was in attendance to make it a perfect night for Miss B.
I’ve never seen a birthday party come together so quickly. MM’s daughter brought the fixings for a cake to his house at 3:30 pm. Whipping cream. Two large 18″x18″ sheet cakes of a special secret family recipe. Fruit. Floors. Decorations. By 5:00, she had created the most beautiful garden cake I’ve ever seen, complete with the freshest flowers on top. Just like that, without breaking into tears once!
As we sat in the kitchen laughing our heads off, it was as if I’ve known her my entire life, not just seven short months. Easy. MM’s family is beautiful and easy to love. I’m slowly learning who belongs to who. The Mayor and his wife have 5 kids, 25 grands and 3 or 4 Great-Grands, so my work is cut out for me. I could sit and talk at length with any one of the people at the party last night, from the adorable teens to the oldest woman in the room. The brothers have four of the cutest wives ever. Such a great crowd. The amazing thing is that they all like each other. A Lot!!!
After dinner, we ate cake while presents were opened. The turtle was quickly named Bartholomew by a grandson, which caused lots more laughter. Miss B loved every single second of the biggest, bad-est birthday party in the history of Cow Hand’s Cafe. Somehow, this crowd kept the entire thing a big secret which is saying a lot.
As the for restaurant staff, this crowd gave them a run for their money. There were at least five or six staff waiting on people at all times. Whatever we wanted we had in seconds. It has now become my favorite place to eat. In this day and age, there aren’t many places in which you can get that kind of service. Especially places right off the interstate in a dusty little town at a wide spot in the road on the desert plains of Northwestern Nevada.

Well, with the fresh snowfall, it’s time to try out the new snow blower. This should be the last storm of the season, but this year, it’s hard to tell. Next week, the temperatures are expected to climb into the 80’s. And such is life in the high desert.
Whatever you do today, have a little laugh about something. It could just be a cute piece of ceramic that suddenly gets a name like Bartholomew. Remember the reason for this season. Renewal and Rebirth! Have yourself a wonderful day!
More tomorrow.