Sometimes quiet solitude is just what the doctor ordered. No way in, no way out. This winter has presented this situation to many here in the mountains of the Wild Wild West. This winter, Mammoth Mountain has received almost 70′ of snow. Some roofs are collapsing under the continuous weight of the snow.
Mammoth is a town close to heaven. With an elevation of 7,881, oxygen is in short supply up there. At the base of the mountain, the elevation is closer to 9,000′. It is THE ski resort for the rich, famous, and expert skiers. Not too many bunny slopes here.
Mammoth isn’t the only place with snow troubles. My besties, CC, was snowed out of her house in the foothills of the San Joaquin Valley in sunny and warm California for 10 days. At 3,000 feet elevation, 8’feet of snow fell during that time. She’s still digging out and assessing the damage. Since then, the rains haven’t let up. There’s been at least one evacuation for flooding.

Here on the high desert plains of Northwestern Nevada, we’re blessed that we aren’t buried in feet of the white stuff. But, our day will come with the melt…..
In the meanwhile, we await another winter storm. And so it continues.
“A band of steady snow extends from Mono County across west central Nevada near and east of US-95 early this morning. Snow has accumulated on some roadways, including I-80 near and east of Lovelock, US-50 near and east of Fallon, and portions of USA Parkway. Even where roads are just wet, near freezing temperatures may bring icy patches by commute time. Be prepared for slick roads and slower travel this morning.
Significant travel concerns continue over Mono County (poor Mammoth Mountain) from heavy snowfall overnight. Snow and pellet showers will develop this afternoon which may produce brief minor accumulations in lower elevations and a few inches of additional snowfall possible in the Sierra, along with a 15% chance for a rumble of thunder.
While it will be harder to see long-lasting roadway accumulation during the day given the late March sun angle, periodic travel difficulties in the Sierra should be expected. For tonight, some high resolution simulations are indicating bands of snowfall setting up in parts of western Nevada, with the potential locations varying across Washoe, Douglas, Lyon, and western Mineral counties. If these snow bands form and persist, they would produce isolated snow amounts from a dusting up to a few inches tonight, with slick and icy conditions continuing into the Thursday morning commute.” Today’s weather alert for my area.
So while I’m technically not snowed in or snowed out, I won’t be zooming around in the new car today. It’s almost April. Easter. The birds are waiting to start their families. Winter has overstayed her welcome. The bulbs are not even thinking about coming up. This year, it’s quite possible that we’ll get no spring. Extreme snow to extreme heat after the snowiest winter of the decade, all while we wait for The Great Floods of the Summer of 2023.
Whatever you do today, enjoy springtime in your area. If you are snowed in, try to avoid the news. Read. Craft. Cook. Learn something new. Anything but the news. Spring is a time to refresh and renew.
More tomorrow.