Well, there must be times the Dog Whisperer shakes his head in disbelief. at a loss for what to do to solve a troublesome situation. This weekend, there were a few times I would’ve liked to put Oliver in the new car and taken a drive to Caesar Milan’s fabled Dog Psychology Center which, according to the advertisement, is nestled in in 45 acres of beautiful rolling hills in Santa Clarita, California. Heck. I just need help with one standard cream, pie-balled, wire haired dachshund named Oliver. Somehow, I don’t think he accepts walk-ins.
As spring is trying her best to warm things up, Oliver and Wookie have been spending more time roaming the grounds of Winterpast. Now, they are quite a twosome. Although you wouldn’t guess it, they weigh almost the same. Oliver is solid as a rock. A standard sized dachshund, he weighs over 25 lbs, while his legs remain around 7″. He is built for dispatching badgers, which leads him to a deep love of digging and going under things. Like fences.
Wookie, on the other hand, has very, very long legs. She is quite good at counter surfing on her hind legs. If there is something good on the counter, I have no doubt she can jump right up there like the most nimble cat. Between the two of them, they make their presence known.
The difference lies in the fact that MM and Wookie have different television habits. Wookie has been watching Caesar Milan for her two short years. She even goes to the television and stands on her hind legs to get a better view. The show comes on after Oliver is already asleep.
Just last Saturday, MM and I were inside watching an exciting baseball game. Outside, the most annoying dogs were barking up a storm. Those horrible owners were letting the barkers work up all the dogs in the neighborhood.
How rude.
How inattentive.
But, I’m sure you guessed by now, it was Oliver and Wookie at the corner of the fence. They’d almost broken through with the help of little Sylvia, next door. All the while, the three were barking like crazy. The party ended and our two delinquents were called inside.
This year, MM and I are going to share our gardens. He will grow things that need a little afternoon shade, while I’ll grow things that need full sun from morning until night. We’ve bought the Miracle Grow soil. The days are warming. There is just one thing we need.
A fence to protect our plants.
After visiting the hardware store, I realize that a fence isn’t going to be cheap or easy. I’ve gone from thinking about white powder coating to simple galvanized chain link, with a nice gate. Just something that will keep our two lively friends out. Just like kids, the minute they are uninvited to the party, that will be the one place into which they must burrow. I can hardly wait for their antics.
Those are the words Caesar throws out so easily.
Hard to find Calm, cool, assertion when the dog has just ripped apart 3 lovely peonys that were just starting to sprout. Last fall, I planted over 40 bulbs in four different pots. Not one has come up. I do believe there is a reason for that. It involves Oliver.
We need Caesar.
If you see him, please let him know.
In the mean time, whatever you do today, cut your dog some slack. It must be frustrating to have no thumbs. Even more frustrating when their owner doesn’t understand how much fun it is to bark and dig. They won’t be puppies forever. After all, Oliver is almost 5. Puppyhood should be over soon.

More tomorrow.