Thursdays are always special. It was only last summer that Jesus took the wheel and drove me to a group of the best friends any woman could hope for. The Bible Babes. Since then, we have grown closer each week, sharing fears through tears, while receiving cheers from our dear friends. Each week has brought new challenges for each woman in the group. This week was no different.
Through the time spent together yesterday, one thing becomes clearer every week. We all suffer through similar trials throughout our lives. Some people have wins while some suffer losses. But, we all live through the very same problems. Be it marriage or our relationships with aging parents. Calamitous kids or devious neighbors. It seems that when one woman brings up a topic, the rest of us nod along remembering that very time the same problem was on our personal doorstep.
Our group of women range in age from younger to older. We range in size from Petite to Non- Petite. We are diverse in our race, culture, and backgrounds. But, when we walk through the door, we are equal. Each person plays a vital role as teacher.. We’ve all learned different lessons through life while learning new things every day.
While praying for these things for ourselves, we find we can practice on others. What a blessing on days when the world seems to be closing in. Anxiety and fear can poison our thinking if watered with doubt, insecurity, and self loathing. Haven’t we all experienced times like that? What an absolute blessing to be with women that are wiser and more experienced on the days we need them to be so. There will come a time when the tables will be turned and the favor will be returned.
Today, as we sat around the table, the conversation was real and revealing. The best thing shared was the faith and knowledge that even the worst situations don’t last forever. That for every bitter word spoken to a loved one, there is also an opportunity for apologies and forgiveness. Until our last breath comes, there’s always another chance to try again.
Yesterday, we didn’t get to our regular Bible Study. The Chapter Quiz will wait until next week. There were real life issues to discuss. Real hurting hearts that needed the warm comfort of sisters that have been there and know. I’m so blessed to call these women “Friend” and “Sister”.
Remember, the following…..
Friendship describes a healthy relationships between two or more people. Healthy relationships contribute to mental health. A true friend tells you the truth, even when it’s hard to hear and even harder to say. They set healthy boundaries. Friends understand you, and if they don’t, they give it their best shot. Besties are loyal. They show up when you need them to and give you a little space when needed. Friends are priceless gifts in life. We should all be so lucky to have a handful of true friends in our lifetime. No finer riches are there in this world than a true friend.
As each Thursday morning ends, I think back to the day last summer that loneliness had me down for the count. Sitting at the kitchen table, I could do not more than cry and pray out loud for true friends, not really believing that God just happened to be listening in. Jesus took that wheel and drove me straight into their arms. How much richer my life is for having met them!
Whatever you do today, don’t settle for loneliness. Don’t look for a cave in which to hide. It may seem foreign, but try something new. Try a new sport. Maybe bowling or pickle ball. Go out for a walk in your neighborhood. Join a group. Call a friend. Get involved. It if feels weird, fake it until you make it. The world is full of new friends just waiting to say Hello! Don’t miss out.
Have a wonderful weekend. I’ll be back on Monday.