“Give It to God and Go to Sleep”. Well, some days that’s easier than others. This weekend fell in that category. Sad, because it had all started out so positively.
One of the best treats in my world is going out to breakfast on a sunny little late winter day for breakfast. Friday, the meteorologists had scared us half to death.
More Snow.
Be prepared.
The pass is closed.
More Snow.
1 -4′ possible.
That was what we all heard over and over. Again, why is it always the “it could happen” threat? Guess what! It didn’t amount to more than a few flakes in our dusty little town next to the interstate
So, breakfast was on at the Tee Pee Bar and Grill (TPB&G). Slowly, the place is recovering from the devastation of Covid. Patrons are returning on a regular basis. Saturday, the cutest young new waitress was shadowing another. We got the service of two for the price of one.
Scrambled eggs, crispy hashed browns, bacon, and the best biscuits and gravy in town. That’s what you can look forward to at the TPB&G. Going there with MM is an added bonus, as we usually run into at least one life long friend while dining there. MM knows the entire history of the place, down to the very hidden location one could find arrowheads similar to those on display. TPB&G is also a museum displaying artifacts of the Piute tribe collected long ago.
Anyway, the breakfast was delicious, but MM wasn’t quite himself. We’d made plans to travel to the Bigger Little City to the West to visit Costco. Any time someone mentions “going to town” to two country people, there’s excitement. With nothing specific on our shopping lists, we’d be free to roam the aisles and pick up a little of this and a little of that, as one always does at Costco. At least this one.
It was when we got up to go the car trouble hit. MM needed to stop a few times on the way because of a back spasm which became more severe with each step. By the time we reached the car, we were experiencing a medical emergency of the worst kind. MM couldn’t stand. He was in an incredible amount of pain.
I never understood back issues until I experienced them. It’s the worst pain that renders one helpless. The times I’ve suffered, I’ve ended up in bed for days. I never understood until it happened to me.
What to do?
MM finally ended up on his knees by the passenger door. Each time he tried to muscle through, get up, and get in, he would go back to his knees. Think of the Marine part of MM. MM is a TRUE Marine. This was not normal behavior for him. Usually pain free, as many men claim to be 100% of the time even when they AREN’T, he was in horrible pain. I knew I couldn’t lift him into the car. Our beautiful breakfast was turning into a nightmare on Main Street.
It was then I knew what I had to do.
I prayed for Billy.
I prayed for him to have a healing to allow him to get in the car. I did it out loud, right by the car, as Billy was on his knees.
Well, wonder of wonders.
Billy was able to stand, although still in serious pain, and get into the car. He was also able to get through the pain to walk into the house when we arrived home.
The weekend turned into one in which I got to practice domestic chores for my friend who couldn’t. Although much better, he is still mending as I write this. It was a weekend to reflect on the fact that, as humans, we need to depend on God to help us through pain and hard times.
We need to remember to ask.
He’s always there, listening.
The weekend included some delicious Chinese food from Beijing’s Best, and a homemade Chicken Pot Pie which I will talk about tomorrow. There was time to get caught up on more golf than I ever knew was televised, and hours of “Wicked Tuna”, a fishing show. It was a time that I could help someone very dear to me while he was truly down and out. Like we all do when the unexpected happens, we made the best of it.
Whatever you do today, if stuck, consider talking to God about the problem. You might not get the answer you wanted, but you might get the answer you need at that very moment. Above all, remember, when the day is done and the full moon shines the brightest, “Give it to God and Go to Sleep”.
More tomorrow.