No kind action ever stops with itself. One kind action leads to another. Good example is followed. A single act of kindness throws out roots in all directions, and the roots spring up and make new trees. The greatest work that kindness does to others is that it makes them kind themselves. ~ Amelia Earhart
It’s Friday!!!! Even though I’m retired, Friday still brings a smile. The energy out there is infectious as everyone waits for weekend fun. It’s the best day to show some appreciation as we go throughout our days. Just as the cottonwood trees send out roots to make more cottonwood trees, a simple kindness can change a person’s day, helping them find kindness for another. Happiness and kindness have a way of spreading, but there needs to be a spark.
It never ceases to amaze me how phone associates seem shocked when I thank them for their help. An efficient brittleness often turns into a softened voice. The phone associate becomes a human being on the other end of the line, just making a living. What a thankless job to deal with angry people on the phone all day long. Kindness can travel a long way through the air waves. Sometimes it makes it across the world. Cost — $0.00. Effect — Priceless.
Closer to home, there are so many unsung heroes in our own towns. The person in charge of the volunteer fire department. Sherriff Deputies. EMT’s. Postal workers. Trash collectors. Gas station attendants. Waitresses. Everyone helps to create an image of the town. In my case, the image of small town America is one I appreciate every day.
With the severe winter storm pelting the Sierra’s, the interstate is closed in both directions causing massive lines of trucks. Miles and miles of trucks on their way over Donner Pass. Trucks sitting still. Trucks loaded with items that need to get from here to there. Truck drivers that are within a short distance of dropping loads with only one deadly pass between them and their destination. Trucks with perishables. All waiting. The storm is projected to last through next week. Anyone who has driven Donner Pass knows. It can be a killer.
Here in our sleepy little town, the snow hasn’t started to fall yet. When it does, the heavens are supposed to open up and dump on us. It’s a great day to stay inside and watch the world from the windows. Winterpast is such a warm and cozy place in which to fluff my nest while Oliver snores at my feet.

Today, our high school basketball team is poised to take the Nevada State Championship. Competition with the south runs deep in these parts. Both the boys and girls teams are made of championship kids. The kind that play hard at 4500′ elevation without taking an extra breath. The boys team has been undefeated all year. Their first loss was last week as they played for the Division 3A Title. It’s okay. Now they’ve experienced humiliation. I’m sure this week they dined on humble pie and long workouts.

I appreciate the dedicated hours their coaches have put in after teaching kids all day. They’ve done so for the love of kids and for the love of the sport. By tomorrow night, the winner will take the Nevada State trophy home to their town for another year. MM and I plan to be on the edge of our seats watching. Not sure if it will be in a huge stadium just to the west of here or in the comfort of home. The storm will make the final call. Wherever we are, we’ll be cheering for our high desert students.
Whatever you do today, find people in your life that help things run smoothly. When things don’t go so right, be grateful for the things that do. We are so lucky to live in a free country. The country overflows with things that are just plain good. Turn off the TV news and focus on them. You need look no further than your very own towns.
Have a wonderful weekend. I will be back on Monday.