March is just around the corner! This is the time of year when Mother Nature can’t make up her mind allowing for plenty of indoor time for spring cleaning. That was Monday’s plan. My closet has been in need of a great purge for a couple years now. The day had finally arrived.
Weeding through a wardrobe can be a little difficult. For each piece, memories of the purchase and events to which the garments were worn swirled in my head. Some of the discards still hung with tags. Some of these items were just wrong from the beginning. Everyone has a few of these in their closet. Monday was the day I decided to fix the problem. Closet space is premium real estate in anyone’s house.
First there was one bag. Then, there were three. The final number now resting in my very new trunk equal six. Six bags of clothing that have never seen heavy wear. Each bag holds treasures for someone else to enjoy. All clothing is clean, pressed, and folded. Ready to unfold, hang up, and sell. A purse and pair of brand new shoes hopped onboard. Yesterday was the day to drop them off.
I knew the thrift store hadn’t yet opened, but decided I’d just leave the bags behind the store. This store receives consistently positive reports from friends. People who shop there find the cutest clothes, often bragging about great quality and low prices. True treasures. My donation would fit perfectly in this store.
Driving around the back of the store, I was absolutely shocked. It was as if a group of playful puppies had been at work, emptying each of the 20 or 30 boxes and spreading the contents across the back wall of the store. It truly was a horrible mess created by people that obviously weren’t raised right. In short, it was a thrift store disaster.
I’ll never understand the total disregard that some have for the belongings of others. in this case, it would be delightful if license plates were caught by security cameras. But, thieves in the night are usually successful. It’s sad that this theft resulting in such a huge mess.
At any rate, I would leave the six bags right next to the door. It was daylight now and surely the owner would be happy to receive such a nice donation. My bags held items ready for pricing and the shelf. No muss, no fuss.
As I stepped out of the car to open the trunk, a car came screaming around the corner, parking in haste. The driver’s side door flung open and out popped a very angry woman. It was obvious the owner was just arriving to work to find this horrendous mess. She was not to happy.
“No. No. No. Don’t leave anything. No donations accepted today. Maybe none tomorrow either.” Her words flew out of her mouth like daggers. The message was clear.
Well, alrighty then.
I’ve become increasing irritated at thrift stores and the mind set that all donated items must be new. All items must be this years styles. All items can have not one reason they wouldn’t be hanging on the racks at the local Nordstrom’s. I mean, really? What part of Thrift Store isn’t clear?
Without missing a beat, I got back in my very new and beautiful car and drove away.
I won’t be donating there again. I may not donate these clothes. They may have the fate of castoff’s during Covid when all Thrift Stores were closed. At any rate, they won’t be on her shelves. Of that, I’m 100% sure.
There is something to be said for being grateful and gracious. If her response would’ve been a little calmer, I would’ve been happy to spend an hour helping her clean up the mess.
To the people that ruin this for the rest of us, what a shame. I remember when Thrifting was fun. I always felt good that someone could enjoy the items I had used and loved along the way. Somedays, memories of the 1900’s make me so sad. Things really were that good back then.
Whatever you do today, think about starting your plan for spring cleaning. With Lent beginning today, Easter Sunday will be here in the blink of an eye. Take time to observe a period of moderation and spiritual reflection. Weed those closets and donate your castoffs for the benefit of others. Just try to avoid the stressed out owners.
More tomorrow.