A rose by any other name would smell as sweet. For those of you that are new to my blog, I must tell you that I’ve very rarely used real name in this blog. Privacy is a lovely thing and names of those I love are precious and private. Even my late husband true identity hides behind the letters VST. This title was assigned him by my very own God Mother, TJ. Very few know the real meaning of the letters VST, but if you did, you would surely smile as he always did in her presence.
For the last six months, I’ve been spending quality time with a Mysterious Marine. In the beginning of our friendship, we were both mysterious, with lots to share about our lives. Widowed, both, we’d experienced the mysteries of life and death as we said tear-filled Goodbyes to our beloved spouses. Years earlier, in very separate lives, we’d both been reunited with them through class reunions after life had beat us up a bit. We both married these high school friends and went on to enjoy amazing lives. The more MM and I talked, the more we shared in common and, over time, the less mysterious he’s became.
Both of us share faith in Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. We enjoy attending Bible Study and Church together, each taking turns reminding the other that Sunday is God’s day. We both pray over our meals, remembering family, friends, and those that have gone before us. Our relationship with God is at the center of our world.
There are some other oddities we have in common. He’s from a family of five brothers. I grew up in a family of five sisters. We are both grieving gardeners, who both found healing as we turned our houses into much loved homes. Both of us are keen on keeping a clean and tight ship. We both own dogs that just happen to love each other. We love our little town, the dusty wide spot along the interstate on the high desert plains of Northwestern Nevada.
I wish I could say that we’re a match in the kitchen. Not quite, but at least we’re complementary. He cooks and I clean up after enjoying delicious meals he’s prepared. No mystery that I’m clueless in the kitchen, once having torched a completely great microwave and stove by forgetting hot oil on the burner. Blonde lives in the roots, even after the hair turns grey. I have great respect for fire in the kitchen and anyone that can tame it enough to cook.
After spending our first vacation together, I’m happy to say that we have similar traveling styles. We’re both morning people, although I think I have him beat by an hour. I’m trying to be more of an evening gal, but find my lids closing an hour earlier than his.
We both enjoy our separate homes and time apart. We both enjoy a variety of hobbies and plan to share those in the days to come. We love laughing about the silliness in life. What hasn’t killed us has definitely made us stronger. We are both survivors who have experienced loss at its worst. Life is to be cherished, and we find ways to do that every day!
Everyone knows, Marines are mysterious in their very nature. They were trained to protect and defend. Early on, they learned loose lips sink ships, and kept their own secrets. There lies the mystery of the man. A little mystery is exciting, while evoking wonder, curiosity, and surprise. I can’t wait to learn more about this Mysterious Marine in the days, weeks, and months to come.
I will share one last adorable story with you about this Mysterious Marine and wonderful Doggie Dad.
Wookie is back home. The wook-lets had no more use for her and, quite frankly, she was missed by her adoring fans back home. On Day 2 without her littles, Wookie was quite uncomfortable. Her milk factory was ballooning and it was obvious she was in distress. It was then I got the sweetest call.
“I’m worried about Wookie. She is really swollen. Do you think I need to buy a breast pump?” His voice announced his concerns with quiet compassion as he worried about his canine friend.
A breast pump for a dog? I was raised on a farm. This was a first. I must say, I didn’t quite know how to approach this problem. I had to Google it.
After two trips to the store and the removal of five ounces of dog milk (which looks just like cow’s milk, if you were wondering), Wookie felt much better and was every so grateful to her Doggie Dad. He is a special guy indeed, and yes, Wookie is much better. Nature has a way of handling these problems. Wookie reduced her food and water intake on her own and is now returning to normal. With lots of hot compresses, she’s been one pampered pup.
These days, I may need to change MM’s title. Although still Mysterious in the best ways, he is also Magical, Miraculous, Meticulous, and Magnificent. An all-around great guy with whom I enjoy spending my time.
Whatever you do today, spend some time talking and laughing with someone you care about. Having a side-splitting belly laugh over something silly like milking a dog is a good thing. Heck, Wookie joined in with her million dollar smile (Yes. The dog smiles.) If she could smile at a time like that, we could all take a lesson or two from her. Appreciate your own special friends and be sure to let them know how much you appreciate them. You’ll be glad you did.
More tomorrow.