Vacations come slowly, and then quickly turn into the sweetest memories. 2023 Holiday #1 couldn’t have been better. Every morning began with coffee and a picture window sunrise. Every evening ended with laughter and great conversations before sleep arrived. The hours in between were filled with everything from elephant seals to time at a real castle. Through all the beauty and wonders we experienced, there were two hours of sheer enchantment. One with a Godmother and the other with a true Goddess.
There are some people in this world that are so wise and amazing that just to know them for a moment is a golden gift. To be so lucky to know them as friends and family is miraculous. Such it is with these two women. In my world of long ago, going to the beach meant pajamas, coffee, and a week with my Godmother. One in which we would never leave the house, or even the couch, but spend hours talking and laughing about this and that.
My Godmother, TJ, and I are not born in the same decade, as you might guess. Chronologically, she is 20 years older. As souls go, we are exactly the same age. Throughout life, she has provided a window into what my future might be like as I aged. During milestones in life, I made notes of her journey, hoping I could remember which turns to take 20 years down the line.
Not often do we find a role model to look up to throughout an entire life. Even less often is that person a close family member as special as a God Mother. I’ve been that blessed during all of my 67 years to know she has always been there, never injecting herself into my decisions, but leading by example with her amazing humor, wit, and wisdom. When everyone else was too busy, TJ, was always there with a smile and hug.
As the Mysterious Marine and I prepared for our beach adventure, I talked endlessly about seeing TJ and another Coastal Bestie, the Goddess of the Central Coast. There is just so much to share about these two women. MM would listen intently, probably thinking I’d lost my mind. How could two women be so intriguing? So beautiful? So beyond perfection? In MM fashion, he would just smile and assure me he’d look forward to meeting them both.
We chose Valentine’s Day for our visits. This was extremely sweet of MM, as he had asked that Valentine’s Day be reserved for just two. We planned an hour’s visit at each stop. With roses in hand, off we went.
Arriving just before 1 pm, TJ greeted us with open arms, as always. I have one familial soul mate. It’s my God Mother. I haven’t one little doubt that when we get to heaven, we’ll have eternity to sit in our PJ’s sipping coffee while the days pass slowly. For now, I was blessed with a golden hour. It was as if we’d been living next door to each other and not one minute had passed since our last visit.
During this hour, something magical happened. MM was enchanted, as well. Sucked into our conversations, we laughed as we shared stories of the past. Time bandits consumed the hour, making it seem like minutes. With a scheduled arrival with the Goddess of the Central Coast at 2 PM, we had to leave far too soon.
On the drive to our next visit, MM used the following adjectives. Amazing. Enchanting. Wise. Sweet. Charming. In 4 minutes, we’d arrived at our next stop. You cannot keep a Goddess waiting.
When a woman owns the title Goddess of the Central Coast, you should have no doubt that she shines as brightly as the moon over the Pacific Ocean. Bright and enchanting, if not for TJ, I would’ve never had the privilege of meeting this beautiful woman. They’ve been besties and neighbors for a very long time. The Goddess is truly a woman of grace and courage. Because of her status as the Goddess of the Central Coast as well as a Sister in Christ, her house was spared during an incident with a rogue wave. Other houses in the neighborhood had broken windows and even worse damage during a violent storm that hit just weeks ago. While bravely hunkered down in her house, the wave tore off shingles while lifting her deck off the pilings.
Of course, the Goddess of the Central Coast was blessed with just the right circumstances to have captured a video of the rogue wave hitting her house. Her roofer had come to do some minor work and was atop the roof when it hit. He captured the entire event. Mind you, the wave went over the top of the two story house right next door. A huge log was tossed up and then washed back into the sea, destroying some railing. Watching the dramatic and breathtaking images it was obvious that roofer must have nerves of steel. The camera never shook. Coastal Goddesses and their people are strong!
During the next 20 years, I want to remember the road maps these two remarkable widows have taken. I’m sure they both still have moments in the wilderness of widowhood still. Each woman was married only once to their own remarkable man. But, when forever vows faced death, they weathered their own private storms. They became stronger. Wiser. More beautiful. They didn’t stop living, but went on to create a new life of their own choosing. No rocking chair with a box of Kleenex on the side for these two. They continued on.
The hour with the Goddess evaporated just as quickly as the previous hour had. Although we would’ve loved to have spent more time, the rest of Valentine’s Day belonged to just us. As we drove away, MM just shook his head.
“These women were more wonderful than you could have ever explained.” I just smiled. Another memory shared.
Today, whatever you do, go visit the Goddesses of your life. If you can’t visit, call. If you can’t call, email. Tell them how much you adore their smile, wit, and charm. Tell them how beautiful they are, because, as everyone knows, God Mothers and Goddesses are the most beautiful women in the world. Cherish them.

More tomorrow.