To the untrained eye, nothing has changed here in the desert. At a first glance, it’s just the same old barren winter landscape. A little snow here, a patch of brown there. Nothing much going on. Until you look closer.
Daffodils are breaking ground, along with the other bulbs MM and I planted in the fall. Spring is ready to pop in just a few more weeks. March 20th marks the day. But, then, there are the last few precious days of winter to enjoy. So many new experiences to enjoy.
I’ll be taking a much needed break until Monday, February 20th. During that time, I plan to sleep in way too late and eat three meals a day. I plan to hug old friends and make some new ones. All the while, I’ll make notes about great things that need sharing upon my return.
Whatever you do, find a little rest and relaxation for yourself. Self care is important during stressful days. Unplug and enjoy a little sunshine. Take fifteen minutes to release yourself from the worries of the day and just be. Don’t forget to hug yourself. Things are headed towards better. Believe it.

Until February 20th, stay well.