What a week it’s been! In the absence of my daily blog, Miss Firecracker, The Goddess, and Sweet K contacted me to see if anything was wrong. Perhaps, you, my faithful readers are wondering the same. I apologize for my unannounced absence. Please forgive me. For those inquiring minds, let me assure you, everything is 100% RIGHT. On the Road Towards Happiness has been a journey of 400 miles spent with new friends and family, with a little puppy-poo on the side. Isn’t a full life life like that?
The last few days, MM and I have been having Wook-let Withdrawals. No little squeaks or squeals anywhere. Just quiet. Friday, the Wook-lets left us to begin their California adventure. In the morning, MM transferred seven fat little slugs to the car. They complained a little in their immature little way, but we hoped they would sleep during the ride under the watchful eye of Wookie.
Have you every taken a long trip with a baby????? Multiply that by seven.
“She stepped on me.”
“I’m hungry.”
“I need to PEEE—“
Nevermind. Sorry Gwam-ma”
“How much longer?”
Although the pups couldn’t speak, their actions told me all those things loud and clear. All the while, Wookie manicured her paws and watched the scenery. She is getting pretty tired of these littles.

In cycles of total pandemonium and then peaceful sleep, we made our way up the Eastern side of the Sierra Nevada’s and down the other. We made it to our destination without injury or too much complaining.
Once we arrived, a miracle occurred. These morning slugs were afternoon dogs. Just like that. One was scratching her neck, while another played bitey-face with her brother. The tiny one barked, catching her own attention. They found their footing and tried running a little. Seven wagging tails showed they were discovering true puppy fun. Wookie disappeared to run throughout the grounds while catching up with her West-ern Love. The pups would just need to take care of themselves for a little while.
In minutes, Wookie was under the pool fence to explore. She learned the location of the doggie door the nursery full of her littles. In short, she settled right in. The pups, on the other hand, weren’t really having it.
“I’m cold.” (They have the finest bedding and heating pad set to “Puppy Comfort”).
“Where’s Gwam-pa?”
No expense have been spared on these cuties. Brand new bedding and the finest sleeping arrangements. Only the best food. Three full time “human pets” to attend to their every need. No need to worry about these little complainers. The Wooklets are in good hands.
As for MM and me, we, too were given the finest accommodations. It was 24 hours spent getting to know new family while enjoying the fresh perspectives of kids and grandkids, all of which aren’t children anymore.
Throughout our visit, I’d have moments of reflection in which I reminded myself that these are the days of which memories are made. Beautiful days in which to learn about new family and friends that have come into my life through one Mysterious Marine. Gone are the days in which Miss Firecracker and I held each other together against the lonely winds of widowhood. Those were some tough ones for us both. We’re finding our happy now.
Grief is a funny thing. I’m sure it hasn’t left my side, but it feels different now. Not front and center, but a side-kick that whispers in my ear now and then.
Listen up, Grief. In a thousand lifetimes, I could never ever forget the love I lost. He’s waiting in another place to greet me at a time unknown. For now, life is here. Right now. I don’t plan to waste a minute.
That being said, I’m embarking on another adventure at the end of the week. This one is mine. This one is true vacation in which I want to spend time sleeping in and being out and about. I wish you could all come along, but this will be a Valentine’s excursion for only two. For a week and some days, you can find my voice in the writing of past days if you choose. You can go all the way to the beginning of this story, September 24, 2020. The Me of those days has traveled a long long way through a treacherous wilderness I’d wish for no one. Just know, I’ve found the road of happiness. For how long? Life doesn’t last forever. Each day, I’ll enjoy every sweet smile and mile!
Whatever you do today, reflect on one beautiful memory of family and friends that have gone before. Sidestep the loss, and remember the beauty of that golden moment. Hear the laughter. Remember the words. Let them comfort you. They are from a time and place yours forever. Then, plan to make three new memories. Golden moments. Bottom line. Keep on moving forward. Our heavenly angels wish no less for us. That’s what true love is all about.
More tomorrow.