The last 24 hours have been a whirlwind of high drama, suspense, and success! Car shopping isn’t for the faint of heart. There are details to consider far beyond the price. Cars today are like driving an i-pad. My new car is a touchscreen-wonderland full of helpful features and today, I’m waking up to a new day of driving. I think I need to run across town for a pack of gum. Many times.
Just 24 hours ago, I was a bundle of nerves. I nearly forgot to take important things like the back seat of the Barbie Jeep (taken out because it wasn’t needed), the pink slip (which isn’t pink, but blue), and the extra key (which, at today’s prices, has a $350 replacement cost). The weather was a crisp 20 degrees once the sun was up. My Mysterious Marine was here right on time to provide added support. It isn’t every day one goes to purchase a brand new car.
I’d planned to visit the car store that offers every single brand known to man. Everything in one spot to test drive and compare. However, the stars weren’t aligned that way and there were no available appointments. Luckily, I’d already booked one with a luxury dealership across town. Funny how that all worked out.
After looking at the NEW and USED inventory, I already knew my budget would only cover a used car. New cars are sold at unbelievably high prices these days. Add a touch of luxury and double that. Nope. I’d set an unbendable and very practical budget. Either they would have a car that fit or not. Simple.
Well, that worked out like the United States debt ceiling, just so you know. At least, I started with a good plan. It didn’t end up being realistic.
Our Sales Specialist was exactly that. Knowledgeable and efficient. A middle aged guy just a little older than our kids, he patiently listened to my wish list.
- Electronic safety features, including blind spot monitor and lane detection monitor.
- Heated seats
That was it. Everything else was negotiable. Remember, I live in cold country. If I was having heated seated, my hands would like to be warmed, as well.
Now, I’d have loved a spare tire, but that isn’t offered in many cars these days. Nope. No spare tire at all. 24-hour road assistance to deliver a fix for your flat, but no spare tire. It’s just the way it is these days. Those of us 1900’s models will just need to deal with it. Get a can of fix a flat and hope for the best.
After listening carefully, he brought up a group of cars within my budget.
Either too many years or too many miles. Nothing.
When budgeting, one does need to factor in today’s prices. What one would’ve bought ten years ago for $X now costs 2$X. There was absolutely NO question that the car would need to be pre-owned. It might even need to be 5 or 6 years old if we were going to come together on a price.
Mr. Car Wizard continued to look through inventory, stopping at one car that was very strange.
Color – Brilliant Titanium
Status – Used
Shipped from – Kansas City, Missouri
Year – 2022
Mileage – 13 miles.
Well, hold the phone………
A used car with 13 miles???????? Who am I to question?
Certified by this swanky dealership, it’s covered by a six year, unlimited mile, bumper to bumper warranty. Period. Throw in all maintenance for two years at zero cost to me. Included are the services of a barista to make me designer coffee while I wait in the shadows of the Sierra Nevada’s while receiving said service.
This made no sense to the salesman. The car was purchased on December 15, 2022. It was never driven. Classified as used with only 13 miles on the odometer.
Of course, the price wasn’t within the limits of my initial budget. Sometimes things turn out a little different than we would like. This was a great deal on a used car that had never been used. Not even a a little bit. Brand NEW used.
The car was beautiful, it was being filmed for the dealership’s weekly commercial. The owner and his sons were in house, dressed in beautifully tailored suits. The owner was an amazing gentleman who was kind and genuine. It was obvious he was the reason his businesses had flourished. I’m so glad I got to meet him in person.
After negotiating a price, running to the bank to get a cashier’s check, (another story for another day), and receiving quick instructions on the basics for driving the car, we were off.
The drive home was something I haven’t ever experienced. Floating at speeds well above the 70 mph speed limit, I realized Barbie’s Jeep had lost her NEW long ago. She was never and would never reach the heights of being a luxury car. Now, my focus would be on trying to stay below 85mph.
Once home, I needed to drive over to spend time with Wookie and the Wook-lets. Their nightly photo shoot was exceptionally cute. They’re just starting to be aware of their surroundings. One barked. They all wagged their little tails. Slappy-Paw and Bitey-Face are the next games that should begin soon. Seven wonderful little bundles of love, they have lots of work to do throughout their lives. Their new families are in for a ton of fun.
My brand-new used car now has over 100 miles. I can’t wait to see the adventures that will unfold while driving her! I need to learn how to operate Cruise Control. My future adventures don’t need to include tickets for speeding!

Whatever you do today, enjoy yourself. Do something you love. If it’s a nice day, get out in the sunshine and breathe the fresh air. Spend time with friends and be thankful for being alive. Heck, take a drive! The beautiful days of February are just beginning!
More tomorrow.