The Wook-lets are on the move! All 28 eyes are open to some degree, and little dogs now stare back at us. Seven squirmy and opinionated little dogs moving this way and that. All of a sudden, they are learning to climb like little bulldozers. Busy in a basket, this bunch.
Yesterday, MM and I decided it was time to take them into the world to meet an important family member who lives a short distance away. My mother’s old craft basket had been perfectly sized for the last two weeks. My how things change in fourteen short days. Twenty pounds of squirming Wook-lets is something to see.
Of course, there was considerable yipping and yapping.
“She’s on my head.”
“Tiger, move over.”
“Ewww…. Bingo peed.”
Listening to their complaints, we drove the short distance while I held the basket on my lap. Wookie sat nicely in the back seat, as she always does. Being a true lady, she has the best manners. I wish she’d teach Oliver a thing or too.
We were visiting a place where life passes right outside the front door, while few residents even notice. No overhead music plays, but then, few would hear it anyway. The place is beautifully decorated, modern, and clean. At first glace, some might think it would be a lovely place to live out the golden years, until one tries to live there. A place to slip away while staying safe and warm. A Rest Home, as they used to be called in the 1900’s.
In the case of our beloved person, we’ll refer to it as a Rehabilitation Center. The intention was for a healing to occur and strength to return. Those things did happen and our beloved is coming home tomorrow. Her world is rainbows and lollipops as she gets ready to return home surrounded by friends and family that love her. We’re springing her from the joint and its all happening tomorrow!
MM and I had one shot at showing off the Wook-lets while sharing their magic. After signing in, the ten of us moved through the great room where three residents were sleeping by the fireplace. Turning left, walk straight ahead until you take another left at the end.
Knock. Knock. Knock.
The door was locked.
A quick phone call produced an unanswered ring tone on the other side of the door.
It was then we realized what day it was.
Bingo at 1:00.
“Bingo, please stay in the basket.” (Our loved had named the first puppy Bingo, after her favorite activity.)
Here we were with nothing better to do than carry around some Wook-lets in a basket, and SHE had a hot BINGO date at the Senior Center.
We did consider taking the puppies to the Center, but quickly decided it would cause such an uproar, that safety issues for everyone involved might arise. The little Wook-lets, now ready for their afternoon meal, continued to complain.
“I’m too hot. Yip.”
“I’m too cold. Yap.”
“She stepped on my tail. Yip. Yap.”
It was time to head back home. These cranky critters needed a nip and a nap.
As we were signing out, an associate at the desk noticed Wookie. How can you miss a dog that smiles???? She’s one of a kind. Well, like a magic act, the blanket on the basket was removed, revealing our little friends.
Yesterday was the first time I’ve witnessed puppy therapy at work. Four very stressed and tired employees all gathered around to stroke some puppy fluff and get their dose of puppy breath. Some powerful healing occurred in those few minutes as each employee cuddled their fragile little friend close to their heart. It wasn’t lost on me that each of these kind people held their Wook-let in the most gentle and sweet way. I now understand puppy therapy. It should occur at every business on the hour. Many problems would be solved while holding puppies.
After a few minutes, tails were counted, everyone was back in the basket, and we were on the roll. Rather fun. MM and I aren’t the ones convalescing from a fall. We’re relatively young in comparison, and able to do as we choose. We’re the ones taking care of household chores and shopping. Doing a little of this. Completing a little of that.
All the while, Miss It was out on the town enjoying a hot day of Bingo. So wonderful. I hope she won a bunch!
Whatever you do today, think of a way to brighten the day of an elder or their caregivers. Many places exist just like the one I described. Beautiful on the outside. Tucked just behind the Starbucks and quite out of sight. Find one. Meet the director. Visit the residents. You can brighten someone’s day even if you don’t have a puppy to share. Your smile will do it. Have a wonderful weekend.
I’ll be back on Monday with lots to share.