Two weeks old, and these little ones with their seven little noses and 28 little paws rule the roost. They are fat beyond description. So fat, in fact, their little legs cannot support their bodies yet. They slept through Day 10, forgetting to open their eyes, and are just getting started with that now. Through it all, Wookie is an outstanding mother, attending to their every need. Well, except for human socialization. MM and I are handing that. It’s a rotten chore, but someone needs to do it.
It isn’t often in life that one gets to interact with brand puppies. The adorable noises and intoxicating puppy breath make everything else fall away. There are only puppies to be held and cuddled.
Two of them now have names. Not a good thing when these puppies will be heading away to their lives where they’ll watch their human playmates grow up and have kids of their own. These little guys have a lifetime of work to do. But, two of them have names now. Bingo and Tiger. Growing up on a farm, I learned early on that its not wise to name the animals. Time with furry friends was limited and names complicated the “Goodbyes”, which were never Good. Well, the farm is history. Bingo and Tiger are named. For now.
Along with their physical growth, they are starting to yawn, which causes them to topple a little. They are also trying to use their little legs more. Their little pads are the pinkest of pinks dotted with black spots and their noses glisten. Tiger was licking my chin last night. There isn’t a clunker in the bunch.
The runt of the litter is a total brat, while she cries about this and complains about that. Just because she’s small, don’t fear that she’s missing any meals. She is the first to dive in and latch on. She’s the first and only one to have opened her eyes and found her voice. Her fur-ever home had better be top notch. If not, she’ll let everyone know. As the for Bingo, Tiger, and the others, they are sensibly mellow. Just like their mom, they are growing into amazing dogs. It’s all happening too quickly.
Yesterday was a day to do a little cooking. MM has been taking care of the issues with ice each day since the fall. The weather has warmed up a little and tomorrow it may even get to 50 degrees. Then, another round of storms will be upon us. Next week the lows are predicted to be around 12 degrees, maybe even colder. More snow and ice. More indoor projects.
Yesterday, Lasagna was on the menu. I’ve learned a few things from MM and his amazing cooking skills. Lasagna sauce should be simmered on the stove. Not left on its own in a crockpot in the corner, but simmered on the stove where one can routinely stir and add a little more love. Last night, delivered in exchange for ice melt and puppy cuddling time, I delivered fresh Lasagna, garlic bread, a green salad, and homemade ice cream with hot fudge sauce. It was the best Lasagna I’ve made in my entire life. It had to be worthy of puppy time. It did not disappoint.
As the days go by, my life is becoming a complete picture with so many different activities in the day. Comparing today to April, 2020, my life has changed into something totally new, full, and wonderful. Somedays, it takes my breath away. At times it can be a little overwhelming. This is what life is meant to be! Homemade Lasagna, puppies, and someone special to enjoy it with. It truly doesn’t get better than this.

Whatever you do today, look for the golden moments in your day. The ones you never want to forget and the ones you can never get back. Make a new friend or call an old one. Think of the happy memories you left behind and dream of some new ones that will be fun to make. Don’t shut the door on your own potential. If at all possible, make Fresh Lasagna and hug a puppy. It will cure what ails you.
More tomorrow.