There are some things that should never be ignored. Even if the high for the day is 10 degrees. Even if the snow is coming down so beautifully. Even if there are a million other little things to do in a cozy home, one should never, ever ignore a hot tub sitting under snow. I learned this lesson the hard way.
Oh, for the days when VST put on on his snow gear and took care of our property. I will admit, on some mornings, it was a bit irritating. At the break of dawn, he would be outside clearing the night snow from our steep drive or decks. He never missed a day, and we never had an incident.
“Don’cha know, Darlin’? We can’t leave this stuff or it will turn to ice!”
Just once in awhile, I would’ve loved to share a second cup of coffee with him as the night became day. Nope. And complain I didn’t. We never fell on icy, day old snow. Ever. Not on his watch.
Well, the first two years I lived here at Winterpast, there was the amount of snow you would expect for desert life. Very little. I was kind of disappointed, actually. Then, we came to this year. The year the storms didn’t stop and the snow kept falling. It’s been so cold, I didn’t really think about soaking in the hot tub.
The hot tub is on a side of the house that is easily ignored. It can’t be seen from a house window. Yes, Oliver could have told me he was having trouble staying upright on the ice. But, he was polite and quiet about the entire situation. I didn’t think about snow removal during ALL those storms. Snow is pretty when it’s undisturbed. It looks so natural. Besides, it’s been so cold outside, as it often is when there are inches of unmelted snow on the ground.
Along with not attending to the hot tub, I didn’t watch the gutters, which were already in need of repair before the storms ever started. Truly, a condo in Waikiki sounds pretty inviting right about now. The gutter heaters that VST installed in Virginia City were a great idea. Wish I’d thought of installing them here.
Well, yesterday was a day to get some things accomplished. On the list was Monday Hot Tub Servicing, which had been avoided for two weeks. Okay, maybe a little longer. On Mondays, I add chemicals and check the water level while making sure nothing looks out of order. It’s a short 10 minute job at the most. Unless, of course, there are 4″ of ice and snow on top of a frozen hot tub cover.
The snow looked so fluffy and light. Looks can be deceiving. This was all frozen, as snow does tend to do after a few days of sunshine. The top looked like fresh snow. The ice was hiding below.
“I told you so, Darlin’?” Husbands and their words of wisdom.
There isn’t a big area in which to slip and fall. To one side there is a hand rail for safety. It was ignored. You see, I was on a mission to get the top cleared so I could open it. I got my handy dust pan and started chipping away at the snowy ice, careful not to damage the cover. It wasn’t working very well, so I changed my position just a little bit.
I’d made a mental note of the dagger-like icicle hanging from the broken gutter above. As I already mentioned, I’d meant to fix the gutter last summer, but that involved a ladder which for me, ends in trouble. That bit of fun would need to wait. Yesterday, the frozen cover was my first priority.
In reality, how I ever thought I could’ve lifted this cover was the first problem. In its present condition, it weighs much more than I could lift on a good day. Let alone if there happened to be one little undetected patch of ice under my warm and fluffy smooth bottomed slipper.
It was then it happened.
Upright one minute.
Down the next.
At the same time, Oliver was trying to see what I was doing when he started skating on the ice below the step. Oliver has no trouble with balance, having 4″ legs, but each one was going in an opposite direction as it struggled to get to me as I struggled to get to the back door, only inches away. All in all, not a pretty sight.
Most days, I’m pretty disgusted about my extra weight. Yesterday, it saved me from a broken hip. I now have a lovely bruise that will remain concealed. Thankfully it wasn’t worse.
I’ve finally learned my lesson and will plan accordingly.
My Mysterious Marine will be over today to spread ice melt and help me clear and open the hot tub cover. If I hadn’t been so independently stubborn, he would’ve helped before now. Another lesson learned. Accept help when offered. Especially if that help is offered by a really sweet and delightfully mysterious Marine, Duhhhhhhh…..
Soaking my bruised hip would feel pretty good at this point. I’ll do a visual on my gutters to make notes of where repairs are needed. In a couple months, I’ll look into gutter heaters and repairs. Not an expense I wanted incur, but then, necessary repairs often come at the worst times.
From now until spring, I’ll remember to wear ice claws when retrieving the mail or while doing any other outdoor activities.
Above all, I’ll be clearing snow when it falls. I get it VST. Thanks for all the shoveling you did to keep me safe. Hope there isn’t snow in heaven. You shoveled quite enough during your time here on earth.
Whatever you do, look for safety hazards around your house. Falling is no joke and those of us living alone worry about them. Look for those things that could trip you up and fix them. Above all, stay upright if at all possible. And remember, accept any and all help that is offered.
More tomorrow.