Things are hopping in this my hometown, just a wide spot on a dusty road next to the interstate here in Northwestern Nevada. As I write those words, I realize how much I’ve become involved with latest news. It’s so cool to be friends with the 1st family, Mr. and Mrs. Mayor. Miss Sunflower runs the only independent florist in town. My Bible Study Besties cover the spirit of our town. Between politics, matters of the heart, and spirituality, there is a lot to be learned about the town I call home. Soon, I’ll be a 3rd year resident. Hard to believe.
Yesterday, our humble little group met at 10:00 for our weekly lesson. For a few more weeks, we’re studying Women and the Bible. The lessons are helping to make real people like Sarah, Ruth, Naomi, Mary Magdalene or Esther come alive. They were just gals like us, living during a time when women were not respected, valued, or equal. Some experienced miracles. For goodness sakes, Sarah got pregnant with her first child at 90. Now, that’s a scary thought.
A good Bible study led by a knowledgeable and capable instructor can be most interesting. Especially if the instructor humanizes the people on the pages creating a beautiful visual of the times. Through my studies, I’ve learned important facts about the chapters in the Bible. Several of the chapters in the New Testament were letters from Disciple Paul to congregations in various towns while he was imprisoned (Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, and Thessalonians). Paul was an amazing man all on his own, and I’d never have known about him unless I spent time in class.
Yesterday’s fun continued after class, when nine of us went out to lunch at the local Denny’s. How nice to make the first tire tracks in brand new snow to head out for a day with the girls! By the time noon rolled around, the snow had turned to a messy mixture of sand and slush. Thankfully, the storms are on pause for now and the roads will be dry.
Our tight-knit group of 20 don’t find interest in gossip for gossip’s sake. It’s not enlightening, entertaining, or helpful. We do love sharing information about our own lives that might need additional prayer and praise, celebrating the good and hugging tightly through the tough. These woman are the miracles that came into my life the day Jesus took the wheel and drove me to my first when I didn’t even know the group existed. God covers our friendships with his love and grace.
During lunch Miss Sunflower was all aglow about Valentine’s Day, which is in just 25 days! Valentine’s Day is one of my favorite holidays of the year. If you’re just the least bit romantic, you understand. Valentine’s Day is a time for us to release our inner cupid! I have my arrow ready!
For a florist, planning begins early for this very special day. Flowers need to be purchased and cleaned. Vases need to be ordered and arranged for efficiency. Multiple delivery drivers need to be contacted and ready to roll for days. Valentine’s Day and Mother’s Day are the two biggies in a florists life. For the next three weeks, Miss Sunflower will get little sleep as she prepares.
During our lunch, it was delightful to be with women I haven’t seen for weeks because of this or that. Last week, I’d been up the night before delivering Wook-lets and needed to catch up on sleep. There was a virus one week and snow another. Yesterday was a time to get caught up on life and spend a little time gabbing and laughing with the girls. Two hours spent with the best women in town. I couldn’t be luckier.
Today, my list is ready and the chores are plentiful. It’s laundry day and so much more. Oliver is back in Puppy Training 101. I hope today holds many more praises than sneaky doggie pranks. He’s better start remembering HE is the PET, not me. At present he’s plotting in his dreams as he sleeps at my feet. I’m sure he has more planned behind those irresistible green eyes of his. His cuteness sees him through many of his antics.
This weekend holds time with the Wook-lets, who should open their eyes tomorrow. Seven little chunks are about to begin exploring the world of their nursery. I can’t wait to cuddle each one. Of course, being a farm girl you learn an important lesson early on. NEVER, EVER, EVER name the babies. Same here. In a few weeks, they will find fur-ever homes with their real families. I hope they remember how much love they received in the beginning.
Whatever you do today, consider a way to get out into the world. Talk a little with a complete stranger, even if it’s just a quick Hello. Smile for no reason at all, even if you need to fake it. Smiles are infectious and our world needs them right now. I’ll return on Monday to fill you in on the weekend, which will be full and exciting. Make yours the same.
More on Monday.