Oh, the wonder of the Wook-lets. There is nothing better than brand new puppies. Every day, we’re seeing significant changes. Just yesterday, the only boy gave his first bark while cuddled in my arms! I just know it was his FIRST! They are keeping Wookie on her toes with the necessary cleaning and feeding. Tonight, at 11:50 PM they’ll be one week old. This weekend, their eyes will open, while time marches on.
Wookie has become my bestie. When I arrive, her big smiles just melt my heart. Yesterday, I had gone into the nursery to see her babies. While sitting on the floor, she came and got in my lap to be cradled like a puppy herself. Although she is quite tall, she weighs almost the same as Oliver. They are built so differently. He’s dense and compact with an approach is never light and airy, but more like a Bassett Hound.. Thud-Thud-Thud-dy-Dud-Dud. That’s my Oliver.
These days, he’s quite confused. Things aren’t fair and right around Winterpast. First of all, the snow isn’t great for the low-rider he is. When your legs are so short, 3″ of snow is a problem. Then, Mom-Oh is a traitor. Going SOMEWHERE, she comes back smelling like SOMETHING resembling his girlfriend, Wookie. She’s all googly eyed about something called Wook-What-Evers. It’s all upsetting, when all he wants to do is play and his girlfriend is busy doing something else.

In his frustration, Oliver has reverted back to troublesome habits. He is now heavy into stealing. It matters not what he can find. A sock. A piece of mail. A hair clip. Just about anything. He has learned that from the recliner he can reach the end table. On the end table, he can find anything his Mom-Oh has accidentally left there.
His favorite hiding spot is under the dining room table. He absolutely delights in watching me go from side to side, while he slithers right underneath and out of reach, laughing in his little doggie brain the entire time. Yes. He’s in his own new state of puppyhood that reminds me of a very important fact. No matter how adorable the Wook-lets are, there is 7x the destruction just waiting to be unleashed on the unsuspecting owners of this new little crowd. Just how much damage will these little guys do in their first five years of life? I bet Oliver has them all beat.

Today is a great day for purging and cleaning. I’m using the 10% rule. While organizing and cleaning today, 10% will be donated to the thrift store. Things that haven’t been used in one year will fall under the 20% rule. The snowy days of January are a great time to release unused possessions to the universe. Save 9, discard 1. I’m sure my little four-legged helper will have a field day snatching things when my back is turned.
Oy Vey.
Whatever you choose to do today, hug your pet and then connect with someone going through a tough time. Unexpected texts and phone calls brighten everyone’s day. A visit to a shut-in is even better. You never know when it’s your voice and hug that save the day.
More tomorrow.