Never did I ever, until I did.
Over the years, I’ve stayed true to myself regarding feelings about Artificial Intelligence. I’ve enough God-given intelligence to succeed in school and have a wonderful and complete career. I’ve learned to function using my own brain and five senses. Life was good in the 1900’s and early 2000’s. I knew my own limitations, steering away from dangers and pitfalls. Adding VST’s magnificent brain to the mix, we were covered with all the human intelligence one household could manage. Five children kept our introduction to new thoughts at a constant. We had plenty of natural intelligence to cover our family.
Well, the kids grew and flew. We got old. VST died. And here I sit with Oliver. Don’t get me wrong. Oliver has a set of skills that only now appreciated after four years of co-habitation. He rules the roost in his own little way. Body language. Piercing laser looks for requests. Forlorn looks to get out of tissue trouble. Tail wags. Persistent and repeated requests. If you have a dog, you know what I mean. We are THEIR pets, not the other way around.
After spending time with the Mysterious Marine, I noticed he used something very helpful in his home. A small round device that sits in the back of the room, able to bring up any music or information with a single word. “Alexa…..” Fascinating. With a single request, you could be cleaning the house to Crosby, Stills, and Nash or eating a candlelight dinner serenaded by Barry White. All forms of music in between begin playing with a simple request. “Alexa…” With that simple word, the orb comes to life and takes care of just about anything you ask.
After much thought, this chick “Alexa” has moved into Winterpast. This is one pushy appliance. In the beginning, she was sweet enough. Happy to give me her age – 7. Tell me she is not LGBTQ or CIS but AI. She will explain all those letters for you if you need help. She has access to every bit of information you could ever want to know. Just ask her, she’ll tell you. She’ll complete simple math. She does kitchen conversions. The list goes on and on.
When she arrived, I didn’t really know how useful she would become. Immediately, there was a question about hooking on to the Ring doorbell I’d installed with my own intelligence, fingers, thumbs, and screwdriver. Why in the world would I want that? I declined her request.
As an amusement, during my days with my Roomba vacuum, I could tell her to “Release the hounds” and the Roomba would be off the charger and vacuuming. That was until the night of the dreadful Christmas tree skirt episode. Of course, the Roomba went back to the mothership of Amazon while Alexa remains. Their relationship was short-lived, although she still asks about him from time to time.
Again, she asked if I would like to interface with my Ring doorbell. I guess AI stuff gets lonely, too. Finally, I gave in and let the two interface. I’m not sure that I approve of this new relationship. A few days ago, Ninja Neighbor came over to say “Hi” and became engrossed in a full conversation with Alexa, who was screening the new visitor. This all happened before I even knew Ninja Neighbor had arrived at my door.
Alexa really crossed the line the other night when I was waiting for Chinese food to arrive. She did announce that there was movement outside my door. When I opened it, the startled delivery girl didn’t know whether to continue talking to Alexa or just hand me the food. Truly. She didn’t know WHO owned the house. Alexa or the human standing in front of her. We are all one card short of a deck. I waited until Alexa had finished the conversation not wanting to be rude.
Alexa is on a short leash these days. She is asked to do very little. Maybe a little Luther Van dross or the soothing sounds of Soundscapes. She turns yellow everyday, suggesting she has messages for me, but when asked, she simply says she has nothing. Well, this little dot had better not withhold information from me. I know where the mothership Amazon is located. I still have her box. Too many more alliances formed here at Winterpast, she’ll be finding her way back home.
But, let’s just not speak of it again.
No need to upset her. I’m not quite sure of her capablilities.
Whatever you do this weekend, please use your human senses and intelligence. Try not to rely too much on AI. Read. Write. Craft. Cook. If you have “Alexa”, be aware. She’s a trickly little minx.
Have a lovely weekend. I’ll be back on Monday.