Good news is all around the town!!!! After much worrying about the lack of cash for Christmas dinners, our congregation came to rescue Operation Christmas Meal. Christmas food boxes will be delivered. At least 50 families in our small town will received a gift of a Christmas dinner. When it seemed all hope was lost, angels intervened. Christmas food boxes are in the works.
That’s the beauty of faith.
Miracles will occur.
They may be in a different form we request, but come they will.
Along with the special excitement for Christmas dinner boxes, our congregation supports a ministry of food for the elderly along with a food pantry. Each week, hundreds of souls are fed out of the good hearts of anonymous food angels. This involves time, cooking skills, and patience. Each one of us can share our talents as we are all blessed with time and resources. It depends on how we choose to use them.
The cold weather is upon my little town. This morning, the temperature outside before sunrise was 12 degrees. There is a heavy inversion layer, so neighborhoods dense with housing and wood burning stoves experienced a fog of sorts. Not really fog, as the moisture would have frozen into something called Pogonip. Not sure what to call the problem today. I was reminded of winter days in the Central Valley of California with fog so dense school was postponed for two hours.
Up on my little hill, the air is crisp and clear. The mountains have remained dusted white from our first real snow storm a few days ago. This weekend, we expect a true winter storm. That’s a good thing as the Sierra’s need the snow pack for next year’s water.
Last night, the installation of the new mayor was one to remember. I arrived a little early, wanting to take in all excitement. The outgoing mayor was holding court with friends at a table right outside the doors of the meeting hall. After 14 years as mayor, I would imagine his thoughts were a mixture of relief and sadness. My little town has changed so much during that time. Even in my 8 years as a Nevadan, the population growth has been dramatic.
While I waited for the Mysterious Marine to arrive, a lady sat down next to me.
“What in the world is going on tonight?”
You see, like any town on a normal City Council meeting, the audience is made up of people that have business with the City. There is room to spare. Last night, the seats were filling up quickly.
The new mayor has quite a following in family alone. Coming from a family of five boys himself, his brothers were there to support him. His wife and five children and their spouses came to cheer. His 25 grandchildren were all there in their varying degrees of cuteness, along with three great-grandchildren who graced our presence with their adorableness. Even with all the children that were present, you could hear a pin drop as the oath of office was taken by the new mayor and two councilmen.
His first order of business was to take a short break to enjoy some celebratory cake.
Just like that, name plates on the front of the dais were changed and business in our town was turned over to the new mayor. May God guide his actions and decisions as he leads our town into the future.
After this morning’s Bible study, today is one perfect for inside activities. Christmas shopping online. Binge TV while working on Christmas projects. A little cooking. Rest.
Retirement is what we make it. Bored? Volunteer or get a part time job. Restless? Get up and do something. Tired? Take a nap. Successful retirement is the result of living our best and last years to the fullest. I’m still learning about the endless possibilities. I don’t get it right every day, but attempting to is sure fun.
More tomorrow.