Happy December 1st!!!!! In these parts, the contrast between Christmas decorations and the stark landscape is as glaring as this photo. With frosty temperatures a nightly event and the ever present winds howling, everything that was grey-green is now golden. The rocky mountains are covered with the slightest dusting of snow, resembling a sprinkling of confectioner’s sugar.
Today, the storm is moving in. As I write, the winds have carried more leaves into the yard. The gardens of Winterpast sleep now, dreaming of spring blooms and summer shade. The Mysterious Marine has been an inspiration with gardening suggestions, hints, and tips for our spring adventures. Once gardeners, gardeners forever. Both MM and I love plants and our yards.
While out shopping together I suggested he buy an Amaryllis. He had never tried to grow one. These are in boxed flower kits at this time of year. Usually, $5. These flowers shoot out of the box quicker than time has been rolling by. It seems they can grow an inch a day, finally blooming in all their magnificent splendor. The Mysterious Marine is a fan now. His plant is about 15″ and growing. It hasn’t bloomed yet, but soon will.
Saturday will be a day full of of Christmas traditions and celebrations. In the early morning, with coffee in hand, MM and I will decorate the tree amidst a sea of boxes and tinsel. Christmas decorations hold such memories and magic. I’m looking forward to learning about his favorites while sharing mine. While he continues on with outdoor lighting, I plan to sneak away for a Christmas social with my Bible Study girlfriends. An ornament exchange and brunch at a house just two streets away from mine. Neighbors and friends I’m getting to know better and better.
With a quick dinner, followed up with coats, mittens, and some hot cocoa, we’ll be out the door to enjoy the Chamber Christmas Tree Lighting and Light Parade at 7pm on main. After Cocoa with the Cops, I’ll be looking for a little visit with Santa and Mrs. Claus. I hope we snap a few pictures. Just like that, the Christmas season is here. Saturday is supposed to be white! All the better.
Driving home last night after a hair trim at Salon 95 and a fabulous dinner of Elk Stew with MM, I carefully drove through the empty streets, amazed at how far life has taken me away from the land of continuous vineyards. Here I am, following my own path through the desert. The massive cottonwood trees and stark landscape have stolen my heart. This is my forever home. Home Means Nevada to Me.
Finding direction and purpose after losing such a big part of my life has been the hardest thing I’ve ever done. I never expected the blessing of new family and friends in a place I loved drawing as a young girl. While driving along, it is obvious that others feel the same way this holiday season. A return to customs and happiness is twinkling in our little town. Neighborhoods have come awake, trimmed in colorful lights and funny blow up decorations. My four-mile drive back home last night was magical.
Whatever you do today, it’s DECEMBER!!! Do something holiday-ish. There are so many great movies to watch. Cookies to bake. Friends to hug. Songs to sing. These special days go by so quickly, don’t miss out on a thing.
More tomorrow.