I hate the news. Any kind of news broadcast these days has me yelling at the television within a few minutes. I try to avoid watching. It’s healthier that way.
Recently, while hanging out with the Mysterious Marine, the television is often on during news broadcasts. It’s been quite awhile since I have listened to scripted and opiniated shows from beginning to end, so I listen with the intent of finding some news during the show.
Thinking back to the 1900’s, news was news. Period. There were very few news shows, most running no more than 30 minutes. In my country town, there was 7:00 am news, 6:00 pm local news, Walter Cronkite, and the 11:00 pm news. These shows broadcast real news. This happened today. This happened yesterday. These things are scheduled to happen tomorrow. Very simply, facts were shared.
One of the saddest parts of the 6 pm news with Walter was the last sentence of every single broadcast. In that last sentence, he would announce how many soldiers died in Vietnam the day before. Chilling, it was the reality of the day. The news shows were full of news.
Fast forward to today.
Oy Vey.
Holy Moly.
In every single story, at least once, a reference is made about something that COULD happen, MIGHT happen, is POSSIBLE, or a probable MAYBE, but not a certainty. Never is a suspect really described. Just last weekend, two humans broke into the Apple Store in the town to the west stealing everything they could grab.
Of course, in the stories about flash robberies, its always added that no one was injured. That doesn’t even make sense. Being robbed at gunpoint is a terrifying experience, I’m pretty sure. Luckily, I’ve never been robbed at gunpoint or otherwise, but if it happened to me, it would take some time to recover. No. No one one’s injured in the Apple Store “Grab and Dash” done by two humans that raced away in a black car. By the way, if you know something, please send in a tip.
The next time you listen to the news, really listen to the qualifiers on what COULD, MIGHT, POSSIBLY happen MAYBE even tomorrow or the next day. None of the actors and actresses on the show would ever stick their necks out to give a definitive. It’s easier to suggest.
These words are in every single story broadcast from the bigger tourist town to the west. I wonder if our channels are worse because we ARE a tourist town. Tourists come to relax and feel safe. Believe me, the town to the west IS wild and far from safe.
Another thing I noticed is that, in our area, the actors and actresses that read scripted words are now dressing more conservatively. On our “broad”casts, they couldn’t have worn much smaller clothing. These days they wear long sleeved dresses showing very little of their décolletage. How refreshing. It’s almost scary how many changes I’ve noticed since reintroducing myself to the news.
Remembering the 1970’s and breakfast before school with my parents, the news blared over the radio. Every farmer in the valley was turned to KMJ — 580. An AM station, it always had farming news in the early morning hours. There they would discuss all things farming.
“We’re experiencing a heat wave. Yesterday — 105. Today — 105. Tomorrow — 110 “, the announcer would say. He could have used any number over 100 degrees from May until November and been pretty close to accurate. No rain. No cooling winds. Not a cloud in the blue-grey sky. Pretty easy to be the weather guy in Fresno. Three months of fog. Nine months over 100 degrees.
Of course, you can find humor in the news. Just listen carefully, identifying the ways you won’t die. Falling off a cliff at the Grand Canyon while backing up for a photo. In a plane crash while flying a jet in an air show. In a car crash at the end of a high speed chase. Death by cop. The list goes on and on. When there’s very little TRUE and PERTINANT news anyway, it can be fun to eliminate ways we will exit the earth. I’m quite sure I won’t die being trampled by the bulls in Pamplona……… Just sayin…….. Now shark bite in Hawaii?? That’s another story……..
As for finding real news these days, it’s easier to not be concerned. If there is a major disaster, I’m sure we’ll all hear about it.
Such as the volcano on the island of Hawaii. Funny thing. Just when I’m planning a June trip, one of the main islands is spewing lava. There COULD be a message in this. It MIGHT be all done by the time June rolls around. Quite POSSIBLY, it COULD be spewing more lava by that time. Or, quite POSSIBLY, it MIGHT be all done. MAYBE I should just stay home.
I don’t think so.
Don’t let FEAR interfere with your FAITH and life’s journey. I plan to hula my way through a wonderful vacation. Besides, there are other islands that AREN’T blowing up. YET.
More tomorrow.
PS–Forget the news. Get out and enjoy the last few days of Autumn. We only have three weeks until the winter solstice!!!!! Not MAYBE. That’s a fact.