I hope your holiday weekend was as delightful as mine. Reflecting upon Thanksgiving 2022, I can’t think of another thing that would’ve made it more relaxing, fulfilling, and complete. This Thanksgiving, I enjoyed the company of new friends and family that have come into my life. Connecting with old friends, memories were shared while we laughed at beautiful moments of the past. It just doesn’t get better than that.
I do hope you didn’t run into any turkey shortages. In my little town, the grocery stores had plenty for everyone, with some left to spare. Although Butterball Turkeys were a little harder to find, if you wanted a bird, you would’ve found one.
Holiday dinners for those that needed them were passed out with love and care. The Christmas Child Boxes were shipped off to their destination in Colorado, where they will be sorted and then sent around the world. All this activity completed and December isn’t even here yet!!
Thanksgiving Day was a time to discover more details about the Mysterious Marine from the woman that raised him and the woman he raised. Two sides to every story, these two sides featured the man in the middle that we all think is a pretty cool guy. As we stuffed ourselves with the meal he cooked to perfection, it was lovely to sit and talk to the people he loves the most. A rare treat to listen to stories about the past antics of this family member or that one. So much laughter my sides hurt. So much happiness, my heart was overflowing.
But the weekend wasn’t complete. The Mysterious Marine had planned a very special night for us.
But first a little back story.
For a time in my life, I was the Science and Math teacher for a continuation high school in Central California. I must have been pretty good, because I became our District’s Secondary Teacher of the Year during my time at that site. During that time, I held an afterschool writing group for five young ladies that would’ve crawled to write even if their legs had been chewed off by wolves. We were an amazing team of writers, always preferring to write on the edge. Never falling off the edge, we wrote about the topics that filled our minds and troubled our hearts.
At that time in their lives, they were all entering the dating world. I would lecture them on what constitutes a REAL and WORTHY date as they would share their stories. I came up with a list of five “MUSTS” with which to start.
- The potential date must first ask if you are available. You can say NO.
- The person must come to your door at the time on which you agree.
- The person should be dressed appropriately. Even better if person brings flowers.
- The person should have made all arrangements for date, including payment at the end.
- The person should deliver you back to your home in a better state than when he picked you up.
Now, when first hearing this, these students looked at me like I had two heads. I did understand their point of view. These rules WERE from the mid-century 1900’s, but why fix something that isn’t broken. Right?
Fast forward to my own dating life as a widow in 2022.
I’d abandoned my own rules for dating until the Mysterious Marine showed me that chivalry is not dead. According to the internet, When it comes to dating a true gentleman, chivalry is not dead. With this kind of man, you can be as girly as you like and he is there to support whatever you are doing. He will even find out which is your favorite movie and take you to the cinema to watch it together.
Making plans for a complete date to the big town to the West, he knocked it out of the ball park. Rules #1 – #5 — Check. Check. Check. Check. Check.
Fancy Schmansy dinner overlooking the entire town below at twilight. Check.
Romantic conversation. Check. Check.
An VIP Fan Experience listening to the famous comedian, Ron White. Check. Check. Check.
I was overwhelmed with appreciation for being treated to such a beautiful date. One of a handful I’ve been on in my 66 years, it made a memory I’ll never forget. Asking someone out on a real date and then following through is a lost art. I’m so glad that MM thought of it. I can’t wait for the next.
With Thanksgiving in the rear-view mirror, the focus will turn to putting the finishing touches on Winterpast. It’s time for Ollie and I to snuggle in while watching all the Christmas movies we love so much. It’s time for holiday shopping, fun, ribbons, and wrapping. Time to enjoy the season with old friends and new ones. Time to reflect and learn more about the reason for the season.
We should all remember, it’s not money that brings happiness, nor a big fine fancy car. I have everything a woman could want, even more than I could ask for. Life in this dusty little town on the high desert of Northwestern Nevada is just some kind of wonderful. Yes, it is. Some kind of wonderful, indeed.
More tomorrow.